Routing outboard back to the DAW(Logic)


New Member
Mar 24, 2016
Gear owned
DM 4800

I want to use some outboard gear connected to the DM4800 in Logic. I have the IF-FW/DMmkII inside the Tascam.
I have now connected a reverb on assign send 1-2 and the return 1-2

What is already working:
in the INPUT routing menu I have on ch25-26 Slot1-1 Slot1-2(those are my stereo out from Logic), from ch27-32 I have Slot1-3, 1-4 and so on.
So if I put my track in Logic on output 3-4, it comes in on ch27-28 I have a send on those channels and I get the signal to my reverb.
I can route the ass return 1-2 f.e to ch9-10 on the input routing menu without any problem. There I have my reverb. So far so good (I think)

How do I get this back into logic?
Routing M/L9-10 to an output slot 17-18 f.e doesn't get my reverb signal into the DAW

Could anyone tell me on how to set the routing in the tascam so I can use the outboard into a DAW?

Thanks :)
Your issue has nothing to really do with the board. Like in PT and Cubase, there's a special window that allows you to use your outboard with the program itself. You need to find that in Logic - I don't use the program at all, but I have to believe it's in there.
My recollection is that you would use the "I/O" plugin located in the Utility folder to route to/from external gear using Logic. I wrote up instructions for this process a few years ago so I wouldn't forget how to do it if I ever needed to do it again. If I can find it I'll post it here.
Here are my notes on routing external effects through Logic. It's a few years old, so some things may have changed. I also have notes (not posted) on accomplishing the same task using the DM4800's own Insert routing, although I think that is less preferred due to latency issues.

Inserting External Hardware Processors using Daw’s Internal Routing with DM4800

  1. Dedicate Assigned I/O’s for the purpose. We have Assigned inputs and outputs 7&8 for this task.
  2. Go to Input Routing screen for channels 49-64 and null the pre-set assignment for 7&8. You Could leave them assigned and bring the processed signal back through the default Assigned return channels, but you would sacrifice some processing power. You could also just mute the prearranged returns.
  3. Next, go to the Output Menu and select ASN Snd and Assigned Aux 7&8 to the Daw channels that you want to use on the DM4800. I will select 25 & 27, since I usually save channels 25 through 32 for things like daw effects outputs and other such tasks.
  4. Now you can go to the Input assign menu on the DM4800 and assign the return form the processor. This would be ASN RTN7 & 8.
  5. Now we turn to the daw. I’m using Logic X. In Logic this is done using the Assign FX on the channel strip that has the audio that you want to process.
  6. Under AssignFX, go to the Utility Menu and Choose “I/O”. You will be given a choice of Mono or Stereo depending on how you have your tracks set up.
  7. When the plug-in window opens, choose your output, in my case I have already set up 25 for this purpose. Also choose your input, we have already set up 26 to bing the audio back to the DM4800.
  8. The window also has a latency offset. If you “Ping” Latency Detection, Logic will automatically set the latency for you. If you are not using Logic, the connect should still be that same for most other Daws.
  9. If you wanted to re-record the processed track, I would recommend using a buss and assign the buss to an unused daw channel. In this way you could re-use your external gear on many tracks.

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