Hi, very new at this, so apologies if this is really basic. I am getting huge (over 1 second) latency between channels played live (which register on Sig on the input strip of the 24) to being registered on the DAW on my MAC (replicated with Logic & Ableton Live).
Irrespective of the output source I choose, I can see the sig level on the channel strip in Logic 'trigger' a good second after the input sig triggers (i.e. If I clap my hands, I can see the signal on the 24 flicker about a second before the signal flickers on the DAW).
Logic tells me the round trip signal processing to be sub 7 ms.
If I swop out the Model24 for my Focusrite, the problem goes away.
I checked the sample rate on Logic and the Tascam (via the Audio system report on the mac) and both check out at 44.1k.
Even more weird, when all channels are muted, set to zero gain and faders at zer0, the DAW still registers noise. How is that possible?
Appreciate any pointers...thanks all
Irrespective of the output source I choose, I can see the sig level on the channel strip in Logic 'trigger' a good second after the input sig triggers (i.e. If I clap my hands, I can see the signal on the 24 flicker about a second before the signal flickers on the DAW).
Logic tells me the round trip signal processing to be sub 7 ms.
If I swop out the Model24 for my Focusrite, the problem goes away.
I checked the sample rate on Logic and the Tascam (via the Audio system report on the mac) and both check out at 44.1k.
Even more weird, when all channels are muted, set to zero gain and faders at zer0, the DAW still registers noise. How is that possible?
Appreciate any pointers...thanks all