Song list check box

Matt B

Feb 21, 2017
Gear owned
Say I press "menu" and then "song." Maybe I am wanting to load a song to work on.

I scroll down until I have highlighted the song I want and then load it.

What is the check box to the left for? It seems to make no difference if it is checked or not.


Matt B
I'm 99% sure that those check boxes are there in case you wanted to perform a "delete" function to 1 or more saved projects/songs. I haven't deleted more than one song at a time that I can recall. But I assume that if I wanted to delete more than one song - I could "check" the boxes for the songs I want to delete - and perform the delete function just once to get rid of all of them at once.
Matt B, the "Song Management" section of the OM explains. The check box enables certain batch operations on multiple songs at once.

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