Splitting inputs? 2x2 issues

Patrick Vitrano

New Member
Mar 2, 2021
Gear owned
Tascam 2x2
Hey there,

I have a 2x2. Works great for my mic. I recently plugged in my guitar and both inputs output to the same thing (US 2x2 device). I have 3 recording devices... The US 2x2, Mixing Driver 1 and Mixing Driver 2.

Am I wrong in assuming Driver 1 is for input one on the interface, and Driver 2 is for input 2?

I'm probably a dumbo, but let me tell you guys what I'm trying to do and maybe it's easier to figure out.

Microphone plugged in to IN1 on interface. Guitar on IN2. I want to record JUST my IN2(guitar) on Audacity. I figured I could just set it to Mixing Driver 2... but alas, no audio is present in EITHER of the mixing drivers.

The only thing that has audio is the US 2x2 device on Windows 10.

Jeez... I hope this is clear enough. I'm a dope when it comes to audio stuff like this, so please forgive my ignorance.

Hi Patrick. I don't really have any experience with Audacity but a Google search tells me Audacity isn't capable of doing what you want it to do.

I think you were on the right track. Have a look at Reaper. It doesn't cost anything to try. The download is very small.

I haven't used Audacity in years, there must be an option to select your inputs somewhere,have a look. You may have to go in to Audacity preferences and select your inputs and outputs,which should both be your 2x2.
Sorry, I'm just trying to help without being familiar with your gear, but I know how my Focusrite 2i2 and 18i20 work and you have to tell the software what ins and outs to use.
Hope this helps.
From the Audacity Wiki page:

Channel selection: You can't select exactly which channels are used - Audacity will simply use the first ones it finds

Channel to track allocation: Particular channels of the sound device can't be recorded to particular tracks.


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