Tascam DM-4800 EQ & Logic


Nov 25, 2013
Gear owned
Does anyone know if you can EQ the Audio from Logic X in the Tascam DM4800 and if so How?

I would appreciate and help
Simple: assign tracks from Logic to DM (via Firewire or other digital interface). EQ tracks in DM to suit. In fact, you might as well mix your entire Logic file in the DM, then print the stereo mix back to Logic.There's absolutely no downside and plenty of upsides in doing so.

Of course, if you're a member of the 'I Have To Print EQ and Efx Onto My Recorded Tracks School, then: assign track(s) from Logic to DM; EQ to to suit as you print the results back to fresh track(s) in Logic.

As for routing particulars, I can't help you because I'm not familiar with Logic. But others here are, and should chime in soon.

I have the Audio Tracks playing to the desk no problem, but the EQ on the desk won't activate on the Buses, Aux or Remote layers?

Do I have to find a way of assuaging the Audio to layers 25-48?
Musicman said:
I have the Audio Tracks playing to the desk no problem, but the EQ on the desk won't activate on the Buses, Aux or Remote layers?

Do I have to find a way of assuaging the Audio to layers 25-48?

Yes - and the way is straightforward. You select output assignments in Logic's tracks; these outputs correspond to your interface pathways (I'm ASSuming you're using Firewire.). These pathways are selected as Slot Inputs on the DM; those slots are then routed to your chosen fader modules.

Firewire, however, is maxed out at 32 channels bi-directionally. So you'll be limited to making your Logic assignments to the first two layers 1-16 & 17-32. However, in virtually all applications, that's not really a limitation at all. If you've dedicated those layers to other inputs, you'll need to reassign the channels accordingly.

The Bus/Aux layers aren't normally used for this purpose; they're meant to accept signal from other layers to combine or duplicate channels (busses) or effecting them (via Aux) with verb/delays, etc.


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