TASCAM M-5000 Automation Question

Florian Kunde

New Member
Oct 10, 2018
Gear owned

I have a 40channel M-5000 and ordered the Automation Kit on eBay from a private seller.
Unfortunately there was no documentation at all and I'm pretty sure there are some parts missing from the
control unit.
I have all the VCA-Faders and PCBs, have the special PCBs for the channels inside the desk which are connected via flat cables (like the ones from old HDD Disks) , the automation panel in the middle and have 4 PCBs for the control (CPU, AD/DA, and 2 other's I can't really tell what they are doing)

My questions are:
1. Does anyone have the possibility to give me a documentation what parts are nessacary for the automation (all cables and PCBs and so on) and how they are put together?
2. Is there anyone who would screw out the main control of his M-5000 and send me some pictures of it and know how it looks like when it's built originally?
Already tried the support and called a local repair service for that desk but till now no new information.

I really can not help you on this as I have never come across that mixer in my experience. Maybe the past service manager of Teac could help if he is watching.
Not many M5000s were made-even fewer with the automation,and every one I worked on had screwy intermittent problems. The 5000-along with the M700 had the automation "tacked" on. The way the patchbays were designed caused a lot of intermittent problems. Just my 2 cents. Hope you get it sussed out.
Hallo Florian Kunde, ich glaube Sie haben die Automation bei mir gekauft.
Konnte leider keinen kontakt mehr über Ebay aufnehmen.
Ich habe jetzt ein Service Manual für die Automation.
Wenn Sie mir Ihre E-Mail geben kann ich es Ihnen zuschicken.
Viele Grüße Klaus
how can i find the automation program for tascam m-5000

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