Track Sheets

Adrian Lancer

New Member
Jan 14, 2021
Gear owned
Tascam DP-24SD
Does anyone have an Excell or PDF of a good 24 track studio track sheet? One that would have all the info, like instrument, EQ settings, levels, send/return info, etc., etc..... I'm having a hard time finding one online that's of any worth. Does anyone even use them anymore? Or am I just that old?
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If you know what you want, the best thing is to do your own. If you search on the forum, you'll find that several have provided their versions but the individual requirements differ greatly depending upon workflow.
If you know what you want, the best thing is to do your own. If you search on the forum, you'll find that several have provided their versions but the individual requirements differ greatly depending upon workflow.
I'll second this.
There's been a very well-attended and long-winded thread on this recently, which somehow ended up in the PortaStudio forum, much to the dismay of the mod's trying to keep this place sorta organized.
In there, there was a LOT of varying opinions, ranging from a simple list of what instrument is on what track, to incredibly detailed spreadsheets with literally every detail and setting.
Obviously, there's pro's & con's to the various approaches and levels of detail.

One poster pointed out that once a recording session is done, there's no need to recreate it, so what's the point?
I'll be the devil's advocate:
While I agree - once the piece is finished, knowing the compression settings on the backing vox or the specifics of the reverb used on something may not be of interest to anyone other than the person who recorded the project.
ON THE OTHER HAND: I tend to keep finished projects, even if only in a backup, kinda forever...and in the last couple years I've found myself picking up old songs I'd written that I really like - long ago "finished" - and using the years of musical and studio experience to do "remasters"...sometimes cleaning up a git'r part, adding better bass parts, doing better drum programming, whatever...sometimes simply taking what was already there and "fixing" all the stewpyd stuff I did wrong at the time (for example, there was a long time when I was too stewpyd to know to record with headphones; so when I'd record a vocal singing to the main trx coming over speakers and taking xx m/sec to reach my ears, my vox would be well off of the rhythm...stuff like that.
And having some detail about what's in those song sessions often helps...or else I haveta start all over, and I'm too old for that.:rolleyes:

Notice what Chris says at 01:48.
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The OP of this thread asked:
Does anyone have an Excell or PDF of a good 24 track studio track sheet? One that would have all the info, like instrument, EQ settings, levels, send/return info, etc., etc...Does anyone even use them anymore?

The OP was advised in post #2 "...the best thing is to do your on the forum, you'll find...several".

Nine months on, resurrecting this dormant thread,
There's...[a] long-winded thread on this recently, which somehow ended up in the PortaStudio forum, much to the dismay of the mod's...
Here's the thread referred to that's in the DP-24/32/SD forum; started by me and dormant since 2018 until resurrected in late October 2022 to what turned out to be no useful purpose for portastudio owners.

Meant for DP-24/32/SD users (who don't have automation, scenes, etc.), I started that thread to provide some suggestions to help them, among a few other things, memorialize their sessions. As it was placed (appropriately) in the DP-24/32/SD forum, presumably it was found in Feb 2022 by this thread's OP (Adrian), a DP-24SD user not heard from since.

The thread in the DP-24/32/SD forum started going a bit sideways at post #15 (the last post made in 2018). After being resurrected four years later in 2022, it went completely off the rails at post #23 and following, highjacked into an irrelevant, long-winded, opinion laden discussion on documentation, and how best to achieve it.

The moderators, and I as the creator of the thread, were indeed dismayed seeing that thread go off the rails after four years and over 4,700 views.

Everything beyond post #22 in the highjacked thread is of little or no value to DP-24/32/SD users; but may be of broader interest here in the Recording 101 forum, which is for "General recording discussion not limited to specific TASCAM models".

Hopefully any future discussion on the merits of or need for track sheets can continue in this thread resurrected by shredd, and not in my DP-24/32/SD forum thread.
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