Turning off source inputs when reviewing recording


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2014
Gear owned
DP32SD, 2488 Neo, 38 Reel
On a Tascam Neo:
Is there an easier way to review a recording without turning off all the assigned inputs?
For instance, I am recording an acoustic ensemble with microphones on 5 tracks. If everyone wants to hear the take we just recorded, I have to deselect the channels from the inputs in order to hear the playback on the speakers in the room without feedback.
Is there an easier way?
Thank you in advance,
On the DP24 you can go into MENU/PREFERENCES and set AUTO MONITOR on. Any armed tracks will play back with the input muted (and unmuted when the RECORD button is pressed). Checked the Neo manual, and it doesn't have that function. If the channels are adjacent you can quickly disarm them with a swipe of your finger across the row.
Thanks RustyAxe!

Thanks for posting this: I've just hit this exact problem with my 2488-MkII. At least I can stop looking for another solution.

I was having a similar challenge. When recording a mster track, the microphones would still be live and the signal would end up on the master track.

But now I understand that a long time ago, I assigned the microphone inputs to the channels so that's why this is happening.

Thanks guys :-) And girls.

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