I took the plunge and purchased a DP-32SD. This will be my 3rd Tascam machine. I bought the original 2488 and a few years later, I bought a 2488neo. I'm very psyched to get the dp-32. The change in the overall appearance is a plus. The color LCD screen and setup will add some fun. I've been looking at green or grey LCD screens for years with the 2488s. My fingers are crossed that the reliability with the dp-32 is much improved over the hard drive machines. I can't say the 2488s were without problems. I bought the SD machine (no CD burner) because it's so easy to transfer files to my Mac and tweak things with GarageBand. My thought is 'no moving parts' should rule out any mechanical issues. I was going to get a dp-24, but for $50USD more, I figured what the hell .... Might as well get a few more tracks, especially now knowing the stereo paired tracks 9-36 can be selected as stereo or mono.