US-16x08 missing drivers


New Member
Dec 9, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam US-16X08
Hi everybody... Please, somebody can help me? ... I just got from Amazon a Tascam US-16X08 but I can not find the drivers in Tascam´s download webpage. I am running win 7 32 bits.
Thanks for sharing Gabby... Now I know that must be a lot of win OS users unable to use their gear... Wake up Tascam !!!
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Mr Anderton ( from another fórum) emailed some contacts at Tascam and...
Official reply from Tascam

We found a problem with the US-16x08 Windows drivers just before shipping. We want them to have the same level of stability as our drivers for the US-2x2 and US-4x4, so our warehouse and dealers had been instructed to hold shipments but a few got shipped out anyway. There isn't an estimate yet for when the Windows drivers will be completed.

So... we are not suposed to have the equipment yet... So relax and be cool... we must wait...

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AccOrding tO the manual > 'with Mac, just install the settings panel software'

Guess we're stuck until Tascam pOsts updated drivers :(
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Tascam reply from Operational Support...
Just prior to the unit's shipping date, a problem was discovered with the Windows driver.
As we wanted the same level of stability as the new US-2x2 & US-4x4 interfaces, we requested that our warehouse and dealers hold all product. Unfortunately, there were units that got out to the public anyway.
As we do not have a firm date for Windows driver availability, feel free to return the product for credit.
We apologize the inconvenience.
Thank you for your interest in TASCAM products.

I suggest you open a ticket in Tascam site... try to find out if you can get some sort of deal....
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Wow, super frustrating!! My son got this for Christmas but isn't able to use it since there are no drivers available. Very surprised and disappointed in TASCAM. At the very least, TASCAM should post on their website that the drivers are still being created. My family spent hours trying to find out what's going on.
And now we're into February and we still don't have a release? I really wanted this unit, but now I'm concerned.

Well, to be honest, what I really want is a unit just like this, but without the mic pres. Let me pick my own pres, save a BUNCH on production costs, and charge the same amount, I'd be ecstatic.
New drivers have been released fOr the fOllOwing: US-16x08 at Tascam website - :)
Sweet, so when do they start selling them? Earlier date I've seen is 2/28.
new drivers still aren't working for crap on my win7 64 machine. daw, browser, and system sounds are fine but mp3 and video playback gets errors
Hi All Tascam 16x08 driver issues help wanted
Anyone running this with Win 7 Prio 64BIt
Just bought the 16x08 and downloaded the Drivers from Tascam and still wont work and nothing back from Tascam Support yet. Begginign to think I should have bought another make
Sorry I can't help other than to say I'm loving the 16x08 with Win8.1x64 ... "Won't work" is really vague. If you're more specific about the steps you've taken and the results you're getting, perhaps someone with Win7 experience will be able to help.
Glad some of you like these and have them working OK,
I'm sure if I can get mine up and running it will be great , as full band recording should be no issue.

I'm running a Toshiba Laptop C660-21e Win7 Pro 64Bit. Tried the 16x08 in a mates win 8 machine works first time. but on my machine nothing , it wont recognise the drivers at all for the 16x08. Ive turned off all security/firewalls etc. checked all USB & hardware drivers are active and up to date. removed and re installed the 16x08 drivers about 20 times , tried all usb ports and changed USB cables. Ive done repair boot of windows to make sure everything is correct.
My old Maudio works great, removed all associated software from that.
In Windows hardware manager the 16X08 Icon shows, but when you point it at the drivers or run the hardware driver fix wizard it always says no driver can be found. and in the 16x08 control panel interface section, nothing registers at all.

So if any Win7 users have overcome similar , please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Specs specify SP1 for Win7x64 support ... assuming you have that, the only thing I can think of is the USB port(s). I've had mine plugged into USB3.0 and 2.0 ports with no problems, but USB3.0 seems to vary PC model to model and external device to device.

Maybe there is a chipset driver update available that will help your USB ports - IF that's even a problem, which I know is a long shot.

I'm just trying to think of what could be going on. It really is a trick interface
Thanks BobF for the suggestions. Ports are USB 2 , I think the chipset or port drivers may be the way to go next, so thanks for the suggestions.
I will spend the weekend messing around with this to see if updates resolve the issue
Its frustrating because ordered all the New Mics Cables, Headphone sets , have the Drum kit and back line set up ans waiting. But Thats technology for you, great when its working

Once again appreciate the suggestions

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