US-1800 MacOS 10.9 no midi


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
I have a US-1800 plugged into a MacBookPro running Logic Pro X and OS 10.9 (Mavericks) and a Korg Triton.

The Korg is recognized via audio input on the US-1800 and via various other USB methods such as the iUR2 and also via a Kensington USB-MIDI cord, but not via the MIDI on the US-1800.

I suspect it is the driver and not the hardware, but I don't know. Any ideas? I'd be happy to test tweaks to .plists, etc.

Edited to add this note: Logic Pro does give the message that the MIDI ports are available, but it does not see any data on it (whereas it does see the MIDI data with the TASCAM iUR2 and the Kensington USB-MIDI cord).

Edited to add this note: I also connected to a different MacBookPro running OS 10.8 (with appropriate driver) and yielded the same results as above, the MIDI ports are seen, but no data except via other hardware devices.

Austin, TX
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Very interested in having the US-1800 MIDI ports functioning properly. Is there a better place to ask this question? Do I need to return the device?
Okay, I'd just like to see if there is any hope for getting the MIDI to work on a brand new US-1800 with LogicProX on a Mac running OS 10.9?

Do I need to contact technical services? If so, at what address or phone number and with what additional information?

Thanks for the great forum!
Austin, TX

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