Using MOTU 2408 for A/D/D/A via TDIF. Which Mk versions will work?


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
Gear owned
Just wondering do all 2408 Mk versions work as stand alone A/D D/A's? I want to go from the MOTU's analog I/O to TDIF. Just wanted to weigh this option against the IF-AN/DM card for outboard gear I/O. I have found a few Mk1 versions for $99/ea and thought it would be nice to get 16 analog I/O for $200. Thanks.
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Yes, they do. But remember: (if my memory isn't lying to me) mkI only supports sampling rates up to 48k. If you're after higher sample rates, it's mkII or III.
Thanks. Which brings me to another question. Can you have the board running at 88.2/24 and still have inputs coming in at 44.1/24? Does it do the up-convert on those inputs, or do you have to have everything digital running at the same sampling rate?
With TDIF you can't. DM offers sampling rate conversion only for S/PDIF and AES/EBU inputs and none of the digital outputs.
I'll probably go with an MOTU mk3 version seeing as it will do 24/96 via TDIF (albeit at half of the channel count). Though I'm curious if anyone knows if the Tascam IF-AN/DM are capable of handing 24/96? I've looked at the documentation for it but no where does it state the sample rate or bit depth of the card.
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The IF-AN is an analog card, 8 in and 8 out. Hence no sample rate or bit depth, but I guess you're thinking of another card..
The IF-AN is an analog card, 8 in and 8 out. Hence no sample rate or bit depth, but I guess you're thinking of another card..

The console is digital so the analog signals coming in to the card must be converted to digital, and coming out of the card to analog. AD/DA is what the card is.
Well, everything analog coming in and going out of the board will be sampled at the rate and bit depth set for the whole board, so the IF-AN will be no different.
So your saying that the actually conversion is going on inside the console instead of on the expansion board itself. Are you 100% sure of that?

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