Welcome to Tascam Forums


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
After a brief absence and a fierce but victorious battle with domain brokers, the forum is back online. All former moderators, please message me to regain your status.

Getting the old content back will take some time, but with a little elbow grease we can pull it off.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all here soon!

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Glad to see it back up.I was member # 39 on the old forum.Always willing to help.
Welcome! You're member #72 here, but only because there are 60 or so robots helping crawl the site. :D
Boy, have I missed this place!!
Welcome back! While I no longer own a US-2400, I think I still have the tutorial saved somewhere on customizing it for Cubase.

My name is Muziekschuur and I was one of the moderators of Tascamforums.

If there is a place to load up content this could be done..
Hey geat to see these forums back up! Thanks for geting it done.
It's great to see the tascam forum back. I also missed not having it around. It sure helped me when I bought my 2488 mk1 many moons ago. And It's still working great. :D

It's great to be back! :cool: The collective knowledge was just too great an asset to lose forever. Hope the rebuilding goes smoothly.

I'm so glad the forum is back. I was a contributing member since 2007, and can tell you how important this forum is to so many of us. Thanks for fighting for its survival.
Welcome All

I have just moved to a DM-3200 console in my studio and would like to associate with those that are Pro Tools DAW users. Please allow me to be of assistance if I can.

Thx to those of you that are admin'ing the site. Very appreciated.

Yay, welcome back! I cannot believe! So glad the forum is back again! Unfortunately I had to register again, but no big deal.
This forum has been on my mind for the last several weeks but I didn't act on the curiosity until today! Thank you one and all for bringing it back online. My old screen name was P.Speaks (I think) and I missed this place!
Hola a todos
estoy pensando en comprarme una X-48MKII Tascam ,alguien de uds. me puede decir aparte del equipo que necesito

para grabar en vivo.................quiero armar un modulo de grabacion multicanal en vivo

tambien quisera saber si vale la pena invertir en este equipó, agardeceria su opinion

Echenme una manita para decidirme si la escojo o que me caeria mejor
muchas gracias de ante mano un saludo
I am new to this site can anybody tell me how I go about posting a question I have on my Tascam? I can read all the forums but don't see how to go about asking a question or starting a new thread??
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Hi, and welcome! In the appropriate sub-forum, you'll see a big blue button on the right top side that says 'Post New Thread'. That's it. Good luck and I'm sure you'll get the help you're looking for.
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Hi @Patti Merrington and welcome to the Tascam Forums. You did the right thing by asking here. You also need to know that direct messages are called "conversations" and are initiated with the envelope icon. Ask away!
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How do I post a song for review it sends a message saying I cant

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