Will There Be Another Tascam Digital Portastudio?

Will There Be Another Tascam Digital Portastudio?

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Daniel Stroup

New Member
Feb 4, 2021
Gear owned
Used to have a 424
I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm in the market for a stand alone recorder. I've reached a point after 20 years of fighting with computers, DAW's, interfaces, compatibility, stability, work flow interruptions, etc, etc that I've decided to return to hardware. I started way back on Win95 Cakewalk, then Steinberg, then Win98SE Cubase and FruityLoops, ReBirth, Kontakt, etc, etc. I've spent more time looking for a patch, making settings, crashing, cussing, rebooting, searching forums, ....I just want to record music. Then maybe export tracks to a DAW.

Long ago, I had a Tascam 424 cassette, and I really loved it. It had it's problems, but with my Boss DR-660 drum machine, a Casio keyboard, and my bass and guitar, I could concentrate on making music.

So, I really like the DP24 features, but there are 2 things I like about the Model 12: midi and USB interface. I want to be able to sync/trigger a drum machine and sequencer/synth. I currently have a Novation Bass Station, and am looking for something like a Roland Juno or rompler, but less than 49 keys. Also, I'm looking at getting the Akai MPC One to use as my drum machine/sequencer/sampler.

I noticed the Portastudios have been discounted $100 across the board. This usually means a product is about to be discontinued from production. Since this model line is now, what, 10 years old? I would only assume the Next Gen is on the cusp. Has there been any rumblings anywhere? If I thought a new Porta was coming out, I would wait. Especially if it had midi and interface capabilities.
My guess is the standalone Portastudios are all done. Even Behringher's new prooduct videos have Phil saying things like "we're all using DAWs now" and the Model series is a reflection of this approach. If you really want to get away from having to use the DAW for recording but also want MIDI, you'll have to search for one of the original DP-24 or DP-32 models with the CD burner and MIDI. Going forward, it's my opinion that everything will be heavily dependent upon using a computer/DAW for production.
I have had the original 2488 for years, and I just ordered a mint used 2488Neo for $400 to have as a replacement/backup, as these things are not coming back. You might look for a similar unit on Reverb or such while they are still around.
I voted yes, and see a lot of potential for a hybrid of the current DP24/32 and the Model series.

it would almost certainly need to use Model 12 architecture (which is as a full digital mixer)... while I like the analog Mixbus of the 16/24 it comes with compromise including flexibility size and power, and the DP series has been all digital for a decade+.

I propose the following “ultimate”:

- use the Model 16 physical chassis box and # physical channel strips (2 more xlr ins than DP)
+Model 12’s circuitry for the mixer stage
+all Married to to DP32 MTR virtual channel architecture and screen and DAW feature set.

To make room for the bigger screen, drop the easy access master EQ section - it goes to a menu dive rather than knobs. Still there if you need to EQ the room at a gig but it’s now part of a virtual monitor/cue mix section that you are more like set once at the sound check if that’s your thing(this device skews more “centerpiece of a home studio” than touring mixer.

In my mind this best-of device would have Channels 15-29 be “virtual assignable” and could play thru any channel on the physical board OR ensemble to the main or sub busses (simply forgoing a physical fader I exchange for a virtual one). Channel 31-32 is the Master out.

I would call this the “Model 32D”.

There really is very little new needed, rather it’s about keeping the best of both platforms, marrying them well and NOT going cheap. Eg keep midi, improve it even. Maybe add a few more headphone out jacks such as the LIve series has, as part of a flexible monitoring g section for tracking.

The only truly new things needed in my view would be support for a plugging a full sized monitor screen and mouse as options! That’s for those who don’t want a DAW in their life. Heck another big move might be to keep the little knob rather than big jog wheel. Even the die hard no-DAW users have grown up using a mouse fluidly...so make a mouse an “option” that is basically practically mandatory would be a fair compromise to keep the unit’s over all size fitting into an existing chassis.

But this Best of Both device should also be able to be a full USB interface for advance sound processing, eg let the users’s DAW become a giant effect/VST hosting platform or full on hybrid workflow as desired.

I’d pay more than a grand for such a device if there were no cost cutting compromises in terms of features or sound quality. Price it at a less than grand and it would sell heaps.
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Well, you might not have seen the thread over there at FB forum: It started yesterday a similar discussion and they are already at 41 entries!

The nice thing is: They come to a similar conclusion. Take the best of both worlds (DP/Model) and make a merged new/next type. My dream: Digital record/mix/master capabilities of the DP series and the wonderful hands on user experience of the Model series (rare menu deving for often used controls). And include the obvious missing things: MIDI, more connectivities, also digital I/O. Surprisingly a lot of the former DP types had some of these goodies.
Of course, I would have to accept a bigger footprint and a higher price for this DP/Model series.
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Ah geez I didn’t even know about that FB group.

I have a strong animus against FB and thus avoid it and refuse to partake. But I do wish I could post an answer to the question by Joe Stopka. He should jump into this forum! Somebody clip and quote me and tell him I actually have two of his Model babies I love them that much.

For the future of the analog series, for heavens sake, make sure the 3 way switch send point is switchable pre AND post compressors. Add more sends. Add AFL and more headphone outs. That’s gotta be like $20 worth of circuitry buttons and jacks.

And right now, via current model firmware push, please align the MTR sub menus across the range so that the M16 and M24 can swap tracks like the M12...that’s got nothing to do with the mixer hardware side.

Both: add the divide function from the DR40 to MTR so a user can split a song into two (because in a live mix situation we often want to just arm and hit record once, and start playing...). Loading a massive file into a DAW just to cleave out the good bits kinda sucks vs just dividing at marks as you listen on the Model.

M12 and Digital Future versions ... short term make the Vamp function record-enabled so you can actually use it to record a full song from a segment. Long term - this digital platform is the platform to build a best-of-both hybrid with the DP24/32.
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There is a "wish list" thread for the Model series.
Ah geez I didn’t even know about that FB group.

I have a strong animus against FB and thus avoid it and refuse to partake. But I do wish I could post an answer to the question by Joe Stopka. He should jump into this forum! Somebody clip and quote me and tell him I actually have two of his Model babies I love them that much.
I just asked him on FB to enter this group too; if he is not yet here, given his job at Tascam ;)
I voted "Yes". My impression has always been that most of Tascam's products are aimed at musicians (amateur or semi-pro), and therefore the main goal is to create music, not fiddle with computers...
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Yes. I don't see why not. All the time I hear about how awful DAW's are. Not just their instability (constant patching for OS upgrades) but also their poor usability. The musical process benefits greatly from the ability to arm a couple tracks and hit record. Let DAW's be great at whatever they're great at and let the musicians have their Portastudios!
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Sadly, I don’t believe in our wishes anymore. I changed my vote to NO.
Please Tascam, prove me I’m completely wrong!
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Could be interesting to know whether the Portastudio series are still selling well or not. This applies to DP-32, DP-24, DP-03. It could also be interesting to know the age segment which actually buys Portastudios. If it is only "old" former tape multitrack owners or there are in fact younger buyers who never have experienced tape based multitrackers.
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It seems there are always new artists discovering and using Portastudios. Recently, just based on my Bandcamp feed, I discovered Gee Tee who is a current artist that uses cassette-based Portastudios, and Billiam, a current artist that uses digital-based Portastudios.
I'm 35 years old, and I do prefer my DP32-SD over the Logic Pro 9 Macbook Pro and interface. The TASCAM is so much more elegant. I wish it had a visual monitor out...
I'm w/Nik ^^^^; having had the wonderful 2488's for over 15 years, and now the original DP-32 w/MIDI (also turning out to be a good unit!)...

The PortaStudio's are a much preferable way to work on music than computers/S DAWs....

But his point is MAJOR. The 2488's are pretty old to have had a visual monitor connection (though I'm told the HGR2488 add-on - though sadly no longer available - was great); but the DP's realllly should have a monitor out, or even an HDMI. Being an old phart with "meh" vision...I'd have paid PLENNY a cost increase for that feature!!!
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Trust me.... There will ALWAYS be a market for a DAW-less type of multitrack recorders. Computers, laptops, Network servers, etc... are all fine and dandy, but when they go down - they go down HARD!

MTR's will always be around and will always provide a "hands on, visual" type of recording and mixing function, that a DAW will (obviously) never have.
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