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Hello all
Apologize for such a long post but would like to thoroughly explain my issue.
As the subject says, I am looking at a model 12 to replace a soundcraft 12MTK. Analog it works great but any time audio is recorded via USB, just trying a simple stereo mix post fader, signal is so low it is unusable. I am listening through master outs with good headphones connected to good powered speakers, recording a wind controller plugged in to stereo channels. I balance levels with gain/faders, master is up at the end of the fader track but not at max, everything sounds fine. After recording, playback is -32DB give or take. I have to raise everything just to hear any playback at all. I understand that audio recorded will record a little low to leave room for FX ETC but this seems particularly super low.
I know I can raise the volume through DAW (win10 AMD machine have reaper and samplitude with special configurations for my talking screen reader that lets me do just about anything) but even with that I start to get some soft/normal clipping. Frankly with some of the audio I am doing, I just want to record, save and be done, not mess with levels that much in software. The levels I would like is what I am hearing before I press record or at least close to that if possible.
Knew about this issue before purchase but thought I'd give it a chance because another blind owner wrote up a great physical layout document. Only a few people have had this issue including another blind person recently so I am thinking the board isn't defective and this is just how it works.
I have 2 options
First and cheaper, using a 2X2 interface, connecting it to the group outs and feeding it back in through stereo channels. That way I can send only what I want out to interface at levels I want. Example, don't want screen reader being sent out while streaming so would send that to master instead.
Second of course is sell/trade MTK and try Model 12. Sweetwater is willing to do an MTK exchange but I am afraid next board will do the same thing.
Have tons of questions about model 12 (physical controls, post fader record) but I've gone on long enough.
Would anyone who has had it for a while and has experience be willing to talk through private messages and/or Zoom/WhatsApp/whatever?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Apologize for such a long post but would like to thoroughly explain my issue.
As the subject says, I am looking at a model 12 to replace a soundcraft 12MTK. Analog it works great but any time audio is recorded via USB, just trying a simple stereo mix post fader, signal is so low it is unusable. I am listening through master outs with good headphones connected to good powered speakers, recording a wind controller plugged in to stereo channels. I balance levels with gain/faders, master is up at the end of the fader track but not at max, everything sounds fine. After recording, playback is -32DB give or take. I have to raise everything just to hear any playback at all. I understand that audio recorded will record a little low to leave room for FX ETC but this seems particularly super low.
I know I can raise the volume through DAW (win10 AMD machine have reaper and samplitude with special configurations for my talking screen reader that lets me do just about anything) but even with that I start to get some soft/normal clipping. Frankly with some of the audio I am doing, I just want to record, save and be done, not mess with levels that much in software. The levels I would like is what I am hearing before I press record or at least close to that if possible.
Knew about this issue before purchase but thought I'd give it a chance because another blind owner wrote up a great physical layout document. Only a few people have had this issue including another blind person recently so I am thinking the board isn't defective and this is just how it works.
I have 2 options
First and cheaper, using a 2X2 interface, connecting it to the group outs and feeding it back in through stereo channels. That way I can send only what I want out to interface at levels I want. Example, don't want screen reader being sent out while streaming so would send that to master instead.
Second of course is sell/trade MTK and try Model 12. Sweetwater is willing to do an MTK exchange but I am afraid next board will do the same thing.
Have tons of questions about model 12 (physical controls, post fader record) but I've gone on long enough.
Would anyone who has had it for a while and has experience be willing to talk through private messages and/or Zoom/WhatsApp/whatever?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.