The Tascam DP24SD has 8 input channels, labeled A-H, that can be recorded simultaneously. The instruction manual on page 29 says that mics and a keyboard can be used for channels A-G and the input channel H can be used for a guitar or bass, but I could not find anything in the manual that indicates whether a guitar can or cannot also be used on the other 7 channels A-G. The picture on page 29 seems to imply that only 1 guitar can be recorded at a time.
I tried an electric guitar (a Fender Strat) on each of the other 7 channels A-G and it records to each track with no apparent problems. My question is if I record more than one guitar simultaneously (example, one guitar on input channel A, a second guitar on channel B, and a third guitar on channel H) will this cause damage to the DP24SD?
I tried an electric guitar (a Fender Strat) on each of the other 7 channels A-G and it records to each track with no apparent problems. My question is if I record more than one guitar simultaneously (example, one guitar on input channel A, a second guitar on channel B, and a third guitar on channel H) will this cause damage to the DP24SD?