What you report makes sense. It'd be difficult to believe that all the faders on both units had all failed, unless they were victims of a lightning strike or some such. One or several failed faders — possibly — all of them? Not likely. The far more likely cause is something like a failure of some common element of the fader driver circuitry. But, without a schematic or other info related to how the system is designed to operate, there's no way to know how Tascam implemented fader driver circuitry.
Similarly, the problem could also be related to some corrupted microcode that implements fader movement. But again, without the code to review (as with the schematic), we can only guess as to how the circuit or code is designed. This lack of information essentially makes our mixers a "black box" for which we can only speculate as to how it operates or as to the cause of such a problem.
HOWEVER, it may pay for you to contact Tascam to get some estimate as to what they might charge to repair one or both units. They can't know what's wrong for sure, but they likely have seen some similar problems over the years and should have more than an inkling as to what is likely to be the cause. They may even suggest some testing you can perform so as to give some insight as to cause of the problem. Then, you can make a decision as to whether or not the estimated price of repair and related shipping make sense to consider.