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Gravity Jim

Sep 28, 2012
My mother had a massive heart attack last week, resulting in bypass surgery and a 10 day stay in CVIC, completely dependent on various machines and with no improvement. I flew to Fort Wayne on Wednesday to confer with doctors on Thursday, and we agreed it was time to end it. I sat with her as she died. As I spent the next few days sorting out legal stuff, I learned that a good friend of mine had been admitted to hospice after years of fighting a GBM brain tumor. I made plans to see him Saturday PM, but he died at noon. Then I spent most of Sunday with my Dad in the Alzheimer's unit. Right this second I'm in the air, far above the weather, heading back to my beloved Santa Rosa, looking forward to grandson Ronin's first Christmas. Wow.
Heavy stuff, Jim.. My sincere condoleances for your losses, and I hope your Christmas will be a warm family gathering none the less. Take care.
Hey Jim,

My condolences. I can only imagine (though I've some personal experience) how all that must weigh on you. It's tough. Few things in life are harder than losing family and those close to us. But you have friends; never worry about 'dumping' on your buds. You aren't.

I hope you and your family have a close knit Christmas.

Very sorry to hear this, Jim. It's going to be difficult for a while. Hang in there.

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