sorry, about the pics i have too bad connection, so to avoid making this with my phone i ll try to guide You like that
be sure MTC companion saw the mixer and start the mixbus
Create an empty project : for me the audio system is port audio, then ASIO, then the FW card ASIO ...i touch nothing more and press start
Assuming we are mixing something, directly go to session / import and import Your tracks.
They come on the editor and the mixer channels are created, by default they are routed to the main out of the software, You can change that near the Pan on the mixer or later on the audio panel
To route Your channels, just go to WINDOW / Audio connections
If there are some, i strongly advise to clean all present connections at first and then make Your own when they are needed
So there are on the left Your sources and downside the destinations, so after i cleaned every panels i choose on the left : Mixbus tracks and downside / Hardware, where You should see the 32 channels of Your Tascam ( i have a DM 4800 ) just fill the paths as You like and works !!
I m on PC windows 7 so maybe You have a driver problem at the begining, but i don t know anything about Mac's sorry i can t help on this topic
Pay attention on the right corner near the CPU meter is this little indicator, when it clips it mean You have a problem and will show You the log
Then on the center near the counters You ll see 3 indicators /SOLO / AUDITION and FEEDBACK
i strongly advise keep this last one under Your eyes when You ll start configure the sends / Aux etc when you create a send, You ll have to go in the audion pannel to configure it ....this is where i lost my patience )) for now
i hope it helps !! but i think the problem is at the driver s choice
Na Zdrowie ))