Help locating info on DM-4800, firewire to PT


Jul 25, 2013
Gear owned
MX-2424 DM-3200
Does anyone know where I can get info "a to z" on hooking up the DM - firewire to PT 9?
I'm assuming I need to route the gains to the firewire card out into PT's I/O. Then I'd like to use the faders to mix live while recording.
I really like seeing the info in front of me, is there any documentation on it or are we just supposed to know how to do this? (I ain't that smart LOL)
I've seen this but I dont think it pertains to busing to firewire card and Firewire 32 into Pro Tools. I think they stopped supporting the DM before PT-9 came out.?
I'm assuming I need to route the gains to the firewire card out into PT's I/O.

That's one way of doing it. But, in order to be more accurate, it would help to know specifically WHAT you're routing to WHERE. Will you be:

A: Tracking multiple sources or instruments? Or - overdubbing an arrangement?

B: 'Mix live while recording," - is it a live performance without opportunity for retakes? Or do you mean performing a board mix down to a stereo track?

More specifics about your workflow would be helpful.

I've seen this but I dont think it pertains to busing to firewire card and Firewire 32 into Pro Tools. I think they stopped supporting the DM before PT-9 came out.?

Not to get too involved in this - all you really need to do is look at one of the other docs - like for Cubase, and it will show you how to set up routing to your DAW. Those docs address using the DM as an audio interface. The support didn't stop, the whole idea of using other audio interfaces with PT9 was new across the board in the industry. No one saw that coming. If your DM drivers are installed, PT will see them.
I'm assuming I need to route the gains to the firewire card out into PT's I/O.

That's one way of doing it. But, in order to be more accurate, it would help to know specifically WHAT you're routing to WHERE. Will you be:

A: Tracking multiple sources or instruments? Or - overdubbing an arrangement?

B: 'Mix live while recording," - is it a live performance without opportunity for retakes? Or do you mean performing a board mix down to a stereo track?

More specifics about your workflow would be helpful.

Thanks Capt, I see what you're saying and it looks like I'll need two different snapshots... But 1st I want to:
1. Send audio from mic or line in on the DM to the Gain knob and dirrectly to the Firewire card to PT-9 and monitor PT on Mon 2 set of spkrs.
2. Then have the faders go to the main/mon of the DM for live PA syst.
Jamsire, In the past PT has not seen "Tascam", I'll make sure all the drivers are downloaded, thank you.
Then I'll worry about doing overdubs etc. but probably won't be doing much Studio recording. (I think I may already be set up for that anyway)
Use the Input Bypass method. Do a search here using those words; it's been covered in detail. But here's the short version:

A: Route: M/L -------to---OUTPUT SLOT (Tab 3); SELect 'M/L' as the source.

B: Select your Layer (upper center of menu) - Banks of 8 (1-8 - 9-16 etc).

C: Left side menu, dial thru choices 'till you see M/L1 On Slot1.

D: Repeat 'C' for the remaining successive channels. (M/2 - Slot2, etc)


A: Peripherals/Setup - You should see the DMFWMII as the primary engine

B: Edit Screen (or Mix Screen if you prefer), SELect Track One. Click on Input; you should see all the available inputs (either 1-16 or 1-32 depending on how you set up your DM F/Wire parameters). Choose Input #1. You've now patched DM, Input M/L#1 directly to Track #1 in PT.

C: Repeat B: for the remaining channels.

D: Assign your PT outputs in the same way; using 'Slot 1' in the Input -Tab1- DM menu. (These can be a combination of the first two fader layers, giving you up to 32 returns from PT.)

Personal opinion: one of the top 5 reasons I like PT is because routing to/from the DM is quick, intuitive and easy to trace. :)

Hope that gets you started.

Thanks so much Capt. Just 1 more thing, EVERYTHING i see just shows banks 1- "1 ~ 8 and bank 2-9 ~ 16" I got the DM4800 because it was 24 buss, so I'm assuming i can also set bank "3 to 17 ~ 24?" (And yes the Firewire would even be capable of bussing up to 32 correct?)
You're confusing me! I see your name/sig on your messages and it says 'DM3200.' So my steps referred to that mixer, not the 4800.

You're probably right about the additional 8 slot bank; but having not done routing on the 4800, you'll have to get confirmation from somebody who does.

But whether 64, 48, or 128 channels, you'll only be able to bi-directionally pass 32 channels with the DM MARKII card!!. (I emphasize to ensure readers don't confuse the MKI version which is a 24 channel limited card.

I've actually still have both, currently setting up the 4800, thought they were the same?
Think of them both as well built trucks: the 3200 is a 3 tonner; the 4800 - 5tons. Sound the same, look almost the same, pass 32 channels of firewire audio the same, routing almost the same - except the 4800 can haul more goods, and features a 'control tower' in the center of the landscape. :)

Well, PT is now seeing 32 tracks but many of the functions on the board are very slow if working at all. Turns out I needed to get a dedicated firewire card for my PC and I'm wondering if I should try to find a midi card for it since my 08 worked rather well with the midi control. I heard that you can take the midi out of the board and put it into the midi in on the mixers firewire card. Is this the way you guys are doing it? Right now I'm using just the firewire and the USB to my PC.
Specifically what functions on the board are dysfunctional? Are you working out of the box, or using the DM as a controller only? In order to help, we need specific descriptions of what you're experiencing.

I use the MIDI port on my DM/FWire card strictly for MIDI instrument triggering. I find it's a bit faster than the DM's built in MIDI ports which I designate for HUI/MMC /MTC functions.

If you're using a USB hub, beware; these can cause plug and play problems.

The only thing it sees is stop, go, and record and those are even slow. I have created a 32 track PT Session but haven't even tried recording audio yet. 5 years ago I had a DM3200 and PT8 which worked rather well but I don't have the same options. For instance I believe Setup-preferences is supposed to look like pic 1. and mine looks like pic 2. (Possibly this is because I'm using a PC?) QUESTION, Are the firewire and the USB cables supposed to eliminate the MIDI control?
Mack.jpg mine.jpg
Sorry Dan, I forgot to mention I was using MIDI control 5 yrs ago
Okay, we're taking baby steps. I purchased a dedicated USB and a dedicated Firewire card and the best quality 3' cables and we seem to have a good connection. I've also managed to set up a "Live" snapshot with the 24 'gain knobs' going directly to 24 protool channels (actually 32) via the Firewire card and returning on the 'faders' so that I can mix live gigs w/ eq and effects.
Next I'll be setting up another snapshot simply for mixing and controlling PT with the DM. Question, is there a snapshot in the Library that would be a good place to start with? I'm thinking the I/O's are going to be completely different from my live set-up. Thanks in advance, This box hasn't wooped me yet!
Progress is good. :)

There isn't a suitable one-size-fits-all template in the library. However - here's what you can do:

Once you've got all your routing set up - and TESTED to be sure there are no gotchas - you can save this setup to a new snapshot. Then, if you don't want to go through all the fuss of assigning sends, returns, and EFX, you can recall the 'Basic Tracking' snapshot from Library #1 (read only memory).

WARNING!! You will overwrite your original settings if you recall the Basic Tracking snapshot UNLESS you use the RECALL SAFE method. This means you'll UNCHECK all the parameters you wish to retain EXCEPT the elements you want. This is done in the Snapshot Settings menu. S0, you exclude all the channel routing options, and keep the Send/Return/Efx elements (and any other desired options if any ) before you recall that snapshot.

A reminder: Snapshots can only be saved in the library banks 2-4; library bank #1 contains the factory presets. Snapshot saves and recalls can be streamlined with the Bank buttons; these are 'soft' keys which can be configured to suit your preferences.

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Made a lot of progress today. As I said before, I already have a snapshot named "Track and Mon" for tracking directly to PT with the gain knobs and mixing the faders for a live performance. (at the same time obviously)
But now I needed another snapshot basically for mixing 32 channels via firewire, and USB controlling. I did get the 32 channels to return to their responding channels (1-1, 2-2, etc) and even have Windows sounds after re-initializing the DM and re-installing the Firewire drivers! But still no sign of control :(. Any help in this area would be appreciated.
(CaptDan, you're awesome!)
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