Help locating info on DM-4800, firewire to PT

"...32 channels via firewire, and USB controlling...."

These are two separate functions, and need to be handled individually (which you probably already know). Apparently you're on the right road with the Protools input/audio routing, but need some guidance on MMC and HUI control. So, if you haven't already seen this, check it out:

PS: Thanks for the compliment, but when it comes to DM-Deep-MIDI, Jamsire's the man. :)

Rqstudio...I don't use PT, but I did briefly notice from your pictures that you may have the incorrect midi ins for fader control. MIDIIN 5 is used for channel faders 1-8, MIDIIN6 is used for channels 7-16 and MIDIIN7 is used for channels 17-24.
MIDIIN3 is for sending/recieveing your MTC (midi time clock) source, and MIDIIN 1 and 2 control other stuff
Saw Jamsire's wonderful video, way over my head right now, I'm just trying to get some movement on my faders. bunch of questions:
1. Should the layer button (to the right of the main fader) be on "Remote"?
2, Should the board be in automation mode?
3, Does the MIDI control go out the back of the DM through the USB? If that isn't playing well has anyone used a MIDI to USB converter to the PC?
4. Are pics 1 of the Syncro Page and pic 2 of the Machine control page set correctly?
5. Shouldn't I be able to check the Slot 1 on the clock page? (it won't click)
And finally, I'm sure the 4th pic is ok showing the MIDI I/Os

If I don't get the remote control working on this today I'm going to come to the conclusion that the PC doesn't like PT or That something is wrong with the DM. (I did purchase it used) I still like trying a MIDI to USB converter because I was using MIDI 5 years ago with an old AMD comp and it worked fine!
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1) Yes!
2) No, or not necessary to move faders
3) Yes, midi goes out through the USB on back of board./No I have never needed a converter. Just a USB B to A cable.
4) To move faders, Start/Stop/Pan etc, you do NOT need any MTC being sent to or from the board. Don't worry about this part. MTC is used for something different.
Machine control page looks right, although I use 30 frames. But I use a different daw.
5) No, you shouldn't. This is your Sample Rate clock source, not your MIDI Time code clock. Since you have your DM set as your sample rate clock source (INTERNAL at 44.1KHz), nothing coming out of SLOT 1 FW would be any different.
5a) Picture 5 looks good.

To explain:
1) To remotely control the faders in your DAW from the actual faders in your DM, you will need to be in the Remote Layer. You will be able to move faders remotely by moving them in your DAW as well, but only while you have the remote layer on.

2) and 5) Automation mode is NOT about remotely moving the faders in real time. Automation mode on the DM is more about syncing your DAW project timeline with a relative timeline the DM can also work with. In the days of the recent past, people used to use a track on a tape deck (called striping) that only contained something called time code, called SMPTE or Linear TC. That track could be used by all other devices within a studio, like other tape decks and mixing boards, to know exactly where they were in a song so that they could all move (play/rewind/ffd/pause etc) to the same point in the song. When the engineer need to mute a track at a certain time, or make a fader move at another time within a song, he would "write" that mute or fader move to coincide with that spot on the timeline time code, as synced from the tape deck that has the striped time code track. That tape deck would be considered the time code master, and everything else was the slave to that time code. Our DMs provide the same thing, as do just about every DAW. When you set the DM into automation mode, you are making the DM your Time Code master and your daw the slave. Automation events, fader moves, mutes, pans, etc, are automatically done via the DM when you write them to the time code timeline so when you playback the song the moves happen automatically.
There are many here who do automation this way (pros and cons for either way abound)....And there are those of us who do all their automation from with our DAWs. Once you have your automation moves set in your daw, and you have your DAW and your DM talking to each other via MIDI, you do not need to have the DM in automation mode.

!!IMPORTANT>>>This Time Code Clock is COMPLETELY different from the Sample Rate Clock. In the digital world, analog signals need to be sampled x number of times per second to be converted into a digital signal. You have your DM set to a sample conversion rate of 44.1KHz. That will work perfectly and there is no reason to change it (hold back the grumbling). However, it is important that you know that when several pieces of digital equipment are working together, they all need to be set to the same sample rate. Not only that, they need to only have one unit acting as the Master SRC clock. I would suggest to you that you Keep INTERNAL selected on picture 4 (Clock SELECT). This will make your DM the master Sample Rate clock source for all of your other digital devices. Just make sure your attached digital devices are set to slave to the DM's SRC clock.

3) The purpose of the USB jack on the back of the DM is to send/receive data from the Tascam Companion software for updates, snapshots, and meters info. Its other main function is to send/receive the very MIDI messages needed to move your faders, pans, etc, and to send/receive MIDI Time Code (MTC). None of this data goes through your Firewire cable. The FW cable is only for sending/recieveing 32 channels of digital audio (IF-DM/FW MKII). So, it's important to know that to do what you want to do requires a descent USB B to USB A cable be used. Like THIS one.

4) has already been answered. I would first make sure your DM's automation is turned off until you decide that you want to start using your DM as a an automation master.
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Thanks again Capt. I think you deserve a commission from Teac but I think I've tried all of this including a new dedicated Firewire and USB card with best quality cables. I too come from the SMPTE days and totally understand the theory. I'm beginning to believe either my PC rig is not compatible or the DM is defective. (I don't normally go there because i know most problems are user issues but this is ridiculous.) I seem to remember 5 years ago all I did to my old AMD comp was hook up a couple of MIDI cables to my 003 and set the PT preferences to port 5, 6 and 7 and the transport worked FINE. Are we taking major steps backwards?
Right now I can record 24 channels directly and mix a live performance on the 1st layer and then monitor and mix without a transport so we'll see what happens next.
I've been using both PT9 and 10 - on an 'ancient' 2009 CoreDuo 3ghz PC with a single (yeah, I'm brave. :) ) 500gb HD. The DM/FWire goes into an $8.00 VIA compliant, 2 port firewire PCIe card. I use the firewire MIDI for keyboard triggering, and the DM's internal MIDI ports for HUI/MMC/TMC. Except for the occasional mess up (usually caused by me), I've had ZERO PROBLEMS! Rock solid, stable - day in, day out dependability.

If I can do it, you can do it. I seriously doubt there's anything wrong with your DM or PC. But there's likely something going on with your USB system - probably a conflict with some other application or device. Or maybe a driver malfunction.
Windoze can be a serious pain in the butt, but once it's handled, it will serve you like the faithful robot it is. :)

You probably should budget some time to do the following:

1. Optimize your PC. With PTools, there are about 52 parameters needing attention in your Windows configuration. Avid has a free instruction set available for download. If you think you've already done this before, do it again. Follow the instructions to a 'T.'

2. Unplug ALL USB devices, then one-by-one, re plug them and let the operating system do its plug-play routine.

3. When you boot up your session, turn on the DM3200 FIRST, and the PC - second. After Windows is COMPLETELY loaded, right click on TMCompanion, and Run As Administrator. Ensure TMC loads, then close the program. This 'wakes' up' the USB communications.

4. Run Ptools as Administrator as well - right click, etc. I don't know why, but this often solves a lot of problems you may not be aware of until suddenly, your session crashes for no damn reason.

After you done these things, let us know what you experience. And thanks for the commission idea, but I'm just happy to help - let alone being upright, breathing, and above ground. :)

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What do you think these "no goods" mean? Do any of you have a working machine and get this page when you perform the system check?
Bad USB. Cable or port(s).
Is this a new computer? You may want to download the latest Motherboard and chipset/USB 3 drivers.
New Siig dedicated USB card and I get this message connected or not connected, on or off...? I really think I'm going to be making a trip to Montebello soon.
The USB control does not change with snapshots. Once you make your settings in the project, that setting will remain throughout the project. Everything you need to know about USB control is in my DM480 Pro Tools video which is a stickie.
Thank you Jamsire, I've seen your wonderful video and while it goes way beyond the basic settings doesn't explain to me some of the simplest questions like for instance, why my controller doesn't work! LOL
When I set up my DM-3200 to my 003 five years ago it was a breeze. I believe all I did was set the HUI settings in the DM and ports 5,6 and 7 in PT. I purchased the 4800 a couple of months ago, and it must have been totally molested, it seems like EVERYTHING I do needs to be reset???
I wish I could get more responses on the pic I posted of the communication settings above to determine if the machine is defective...
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GREAT NEWS! I able to move each fader in PT from the DM. I'm also able to activate the pans and solo/mutes from the DM but oddly enough, the DM's buttons are not lighting up? Anyway I got this info from "SamualCasy's" post:
Next question will the DM's faders move by themselves once automation has been established either by using the automation in PT or DM? Thanks again guys, I really couldn't have been able to do it without you.
will the DM's faders move by themselves once automation has been established either by using the automation in PT or DM?

Yes! (if you've enabled the Moving Fader preference option.)

NO! (if you didn't) :)

If HUI control works both ways without conflict, the DM faders will march in lockstep to the DAW's. Which, by the way, can provide endless hours of amusement for young people. Give the mouse to an 8 year old and watch him drool and giggle as the DM's fader rises and falls as if driven by his favorite ghost/zombie. :rolleyes:

Okay. Too much information. :confused::)

I actually
will the DM's faders move by themselves once automation has been established either by using the automation in PT or DM?

Yes! (if you've enabled the Moving Fader preference option.)

Which, by the way, can provide endless hours of amusement for young people. Give the mouse to an 8 year old and watch him drool and giggle as the DM's fader rises and falls as if driven by his favorite ghost/zombie. :rolleyes:


Okay, have I missed something else? The DM faders will move PT's when manually moved but PT's will not move the DM's. Are you serious about a Moving Fader preference option? I don't remember doing this 5 years ago. Please just tell me when I'm ready to "write" automation the DM will come to attention.

However I did have lots of fun with an after school program in the N. Hollywood area with kids, moving faders, quantizing drums, tuning vocals, etc, etc.
You misunderstood. Not your fault - I didn't describe accurately:

Ptools faders will always move in lockstep to the DM's: push one, the other mirrors the move...ASSuming you're in the REMOTE LAYER. And - IF - all the MIDI/HUI portals and preferences are set correctly, and there are NO USB conflicts ANYWHERE at ANY time.

Absolutely serious about Moving Fader option. Fader automation can be toggled ON or Off. Some people don't want them moving while Automation is working. But, if a fader is changed when the WRITE button is hit, that move WILL be recorded - irrespective of whether mechanical fader movement is on or not. But when it's played back, the responding fader will NOT move UNLESS the option is enabled.

Touch Fader Sensitivity is another On/OFF toggle. And so are the channel LEDs - which can be set to reflect an active fader during an Automated Mix maneuver, or - to show level clips above -3db.

Make sense?

I hope. :)

Yes, it makes perfect sense but I was hoping you would share with the rest of the world where one would find each of these options. And it's still strange why my DM's solo/mute/pan LED's are not functioning. (only in this current set up)
Question: Do You Have A Manual? If not - why? This is among the few reasons to consult the manual, because it clearly defines where, and how - to access the MYRIAD of features on the DM. What it arguably does less admirably is helping users with various routing methods and workarounds. That's where we here on the Forum are most useful

But - if you'll give me a few hours - I will locate those menus on my console, shoot some screen shots, and shoot 'em your way.

Stay tuned.


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