High capacity SD cards for DR-40


New Member
Dec 20, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam DR-40, Tascam D-07
I hope this is an appropriate forum for my question. I have DR-40 with the 2GB SD card. recording at 24-bit gives me about one hour of recording which is insufficient. I looked at the list of approved compatible SD cards above the 2GB limit and have been unable to actually find one. Has anyone got the faintest idea where I might find a 16GB-32GB card for my device? I will assume that, unless things have changed over the past year or so, this might not be an uncommon issue, as I saw one for sale on Amazon about a year ago that was ridiculously expensive.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

- M
Hi, and yeah, this is the right forum. I have a DR-100 mkII and never bothered to look at a list of approved SD cards. I simply got a Transcend 32GB SDHC-I Class 10 30MB/s card and that works fine. I would think if you don't go over the size limit and get a Class 10 card you should be alright.
Many, many thanks. I noticed on Amazon that some DR-40s were now coming with Transcend SD cards. Have a wonderful holiday.

- M

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