How do I install new hdd, have disk, wouldn't boot past fader config


Aug 13, 2015
Gear owned
...So my sx1 suddenly wouldn't go past the fader configuration.....the hard drive made a click I read a few posts and ordered a new hard drive...I have the sx1 dick.(from Tascam) I have used it before so I know it works...bye the way the external monitor wont fire up but the Internal screen seems to work. So I connect the new drive....and insert the os disk.....and turn it on....nothing changes...the sx1 does some fader confg stuff but never goes past that slot screen....some units have a series of buttons to hit first or something else I should do....does any one know what I should be doing to get the disk to format and the os to I asx screen.jpg get musical again?...Please and thank you!
I'm just trying to follow exactly what you did after installing the new hard drive - Did you then put the Tascam OS disc into the CDROM drive, reboot the SX-1 from the CD and then install the OS on the new hard drive by using the "ERASE HDD & Install OS --- Press: "9"" option on the LCD screen?
Also - The entire Tascam Service Manual for the SX1 is available on this forum under the SX1 Documentation section - it's about a 9.5 MB .pdf download.
hello uriah,

i am away from the console and manuals (with notes) at the moment ...
please follow the steps that russ d suggested (to the letter) and it should work.. do you have the most recent os disc ? 1.52 ?
you may also try this ... (from online manual)
a safe startup procedure ... turn sx1 on as usual ... before the screen shows 'GHOST' tascam and "sx1" logos, press and hold the panic key for a few seconds ... the sx1 boots up without loading the last project ... this may get you started again
let me know if that helps
I have tried the panic button...nothing all cases I can hear the cd engage then the light lights a few times , then nothing new happens. You know how when you turn the unit on the virtual track that runs above the faders lights up....well now maybe one knob lights...then no more lights....the external monitor doesn't fire up either. neither does the digital counter fire up. also keep in mind there is NOTHING on the hdd. It is a new one . I read that the unit will format it and then I can use the disc to go further. but it never gets past the screen I gave a picture of above.
Russ D SAID:
I'm just trying to follow exactly what you did after installing the new hard drive - Did you then put the Tascam OS disc into the CDROM drive, reboot the SX-1 from the CD and then install the OS on the new hard drive by using the "ERASE HDD & Install OS --- Press: "9"" option on the LCD screen?

Me: You say in there that I should " reboot the SX-1 from the CD and then install the OS on the new hard drive by using the "ERASE HDD & Install OS --- Press: "9"" option on the LCD screen?.........

My question is: If the lcd never gets past the "no option cards in slot screen shot posted do I choose where to boot from?......I even tried it with NO HDD at all....and exactly the same thing occurs....The only change I have seen so far is the new drive doesn't click...where the old one clicks .....the external monitor doesn't fire up and the normal flurry of lights that the sx1 goes through never happens...just one quick flash from the virtual channel section then nothing.....It does seem to go through the fader check...then to the slot assignments....and stays there.

After the SX1 tries to boot and freezes, open the CDROM drive and insert the OS disc. Then on the big 4 x 4 pad keyboard above the jog wheel press down and hold both the "CANCEL" and "SHIFT" keys. While holding those down, press and hold the "Shutdown" button on the sloping part of the front panel. The red timer LED's should then show the word 'reboot". Just keep holding all three keys down until the machine reboots. When it does it should do so from the CDROM disc and not the internal hard drive. Then you should be able to see the option to erase the hard drive and install the OS on it.
now that there is some tech info that should help !
i did not know that shortcut ... is it listed in the manual ? or is it a tip from redbus ?
i am going to note that boot up sequence in the event i may need it !

thanks russ
After the SX1 tries to boot and freezes, open the CDROM drive and insert the OS disc. Then on the big 4 x 4 pad keyboard above the jog wheel press down and hold both the "CANCEL" and "SHIFT" keys. While holding those down, press and hold the "Shutdown" button on the sloping part of the front panel. The red timer LED's should then show the word 'reboot". Just keep holding all three keys down until the machine reboots. When it does it should do so from the CDROM disc and not the internal hard drive. Then you should be able to see the option to erase the hard drive and install the OS on it.

so I did this and everything went as you said but the word DO'NT popped up after "reboot"....and it still stopped at the same screensx screen.jpg
Are the connections to the CDROM drive solid - just wondering if they might have come loose when you replaced the hard drive. That "DO'NT" message is one I have never seen before. Redbus - any light you can shed on that? Just as a test I removed the hard drive from one of my machines (I have the drives in both machines in removable drive bays) and tried booting from the CDROM OS disc to see if it would without a hard drive installed and it did boot okay. I want to think about this a bit before advising you to start checking power supplies and other hardware.
Just noticed that your CDROM light looked like it was indeed trying to read the OS disc so it makes me wonder if that disc is okay? You may want to get another one and see what happens. I don't have an OS disc for a full blown SX1 (I have a pair of SX1 LE Plus machines) but if anyone out there does have the right one they can duplicate it and send you one if you have any trouble getting one from Tascam. I made a half dozen for the LE Plus using a standalone CD/DVD duplicator and they all work fine - in fact I mailed one to a forum member that needed it.
Hi uriahmusic,

I have a LE model and that kind of thing would happen for a few reasons . Keep in mind it's a computer and when you have an IDE hard drive set to cable select and the other drive set too slave you might get hung up . I am talking about HD and CD jumper settings .if your new HD is nit setup right as master and you CD as slave it will hang like it has no drive . It won't boot from the cd either because it's not the last drive on the IDE chain. So try this unplug the machine and if you changing the drive from the top make sure you did not pull the other side of the ribbon out of the board .As another member said that as well.

Make sure you HD is Set to master by looking at the jumper on the drive it has a little configure label on it . Then check to make sure you have the power pushed all the way in. If all checks out Start the board oh and have your System Cd in the drive in the drive .

Side note I took the top bay cover off my Sx-1 and put the cd drive on the bottom. I then used a longer ribbon cable of a spare PC I had so I could slide the drive out the front . I used an old mouse pad to insulate the drive from the cd drive . I also have from time to time reseat my cards into the board . I would get hard drive not found errors and have to take the top panel open it and reach in unscrew the top bar going across the cards pull them including the sound card for the main sliders and inputs and reseat everything . Also a new board battery my be in order they use a standard 3.3 volt round type . I think you might find jumpers are the reason because of where it's stopping that's the point where the operating system for the boards hands off to the hard drive software system.

Let me know how it works out . If you in ca Bay Area I'll be happy to wrench on for you . Oh one last tip they hate cold weather . I found mine worked best at 70 degrees if any cooler fader hangs and start up hangs . They don't like being moved and if you do try not to jar them. I have number 22 my self it's an old Redbus machine :-)
...I am sorry folks...I gave up...after opening it and everything looking tight and plugged in and trying the reboot thing...I just decided that it's old and needs to die.....I did find a place that is authorized and will look at it for $85.00 , but I don't need a money dump. I bought a dp32 sd for $200.00 and a sync box for $25.00 and will move along....thanx for the help.

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