I need some assistance. I have no sound going through the DM 3200


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200
I had to uninstalled/reinstalled my OS [Win 7 SP-1] and all the bugs I was experiencing I have no more. I have loaded the beta drivers for the Tascam DM 3200.I got the remote to work on all channels. I do hear sound coming out the speakers but it sounds like it's direct to the speakers and not going through the DM 3200. It appears nothing is going through the DM 3200. I have no MIC input, sound is not making it the headphones etc.

Also I have the MIDI controllers set but the other settings what shall they be set to. Can someone offer some advisement. I have uploaded some screen shots of my settings.

Can someone offer some advisement. Thanks in advance.


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What is your DAW?
Further, I think the problem(s) must be isolated first, so let's take out anything computer related. So when you say, no mic input coming through, where did you connect the mic and how do you listen to the DM output? My advice would be to connect directly with headphones and then go step by step.
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Hey Arjan P thanks for your response. The thing is everything was working fine prior to the DM 3200 drivers / OS started acting squirrelly and I had to reload everything [Win7Sp1, Pro Tools 10 and the latest DM drivers from this site]. No physical changes were made or even touched. I strongly feel this is a routing issue but I can’t pin points it. Do my screen shots indicate otherwise? While trying several different routing options I did get the sound to route through but it was only in mono [right or left] but not in stereo. The source invert is where it seems the sounds from Pro Tools is not going through the DM but I hear the sound through the speakers invert it back I hear no sound which the attachments is my current configuration. This is what makes me think it’s a routing issue that I can’t pin point
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If you have a saved mixer scene from when everything was fine, try to load that. Also, on your Input screen shot channels 1-8 are getting input from the DAW (Slot1-1 to 1-8). Swap those for M/L1-8 and at least your mics will go through your mixer. Or route them to another channel ofcourse.
Arjan P I did the swap and still no audio. Do you think resetting the DM 3200 back to it’s default/factory setting will clear this up. Because everything I’ve tried is not working. My physical settings has not changed. For some reason my audio from PT10 is not making through the DM to the speakers
How do I check to see if the DM channels are assigned to the Stereo Bus or do my screen shots indicate that i do have them assigned. I saw this statement while researching the forums
Thanks Frameworks will try once I get home from work also is it just the stereo light that is lit plus the channels or just the stereo light
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The Output assign section determines to which busses your channels are routed. Example: if channel 9 is to go to buss 9 ( or any other), press button 9. (buss 9 may be routed to track 9 in your DAW). To monitor the signal via the stereo buss: (also) press the Stereo button. If you want to skip the buss in your routing, press Direct and select the desired output.
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For some reason my audio from PT10 is not making through the DM to the speakers
OK now this topic is becoming messy - too many different problems mixed together. In the first post you said "I have no MIC input, sound is not making it the headphones etc", so we try to trouble shoot this issue. Now you say there's no audio from PT. If you want this to happen on the same channels, you'll have to swap back again.

Also it can be important to mention whether you see audio coming in without actually hearing it. With 'no audio' it could still be that the audio is actually coming in but doesn't come out.
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Arjan P if its becoming messy it’s due to frustration. This is as clear as I can get.

source invert : SLOT=INP & M/L=RTN. I hear it coming out my speakers but no meter activity on the DM3200. I can also hear it coming out the headphones when I plug them directly into the DM3200 but since it’s not coming into the DM3200 it not coming out to the headphone amp.

source invert : M/L=INP & SLOT=RTN no sound at all.

Either scenario I have no mic input. Remote works fine.

Headroom while in Remote mode I press the stereo for the output assign the stereo button does not light up but with CH1-6 is pressed under Layer Status the Stereo or direct light is lit along with the output channel assign CORRECTION stereo light [reset is how i got it ] is lit and still no sound

Again no physical changes were made to my rig. As I indicated earlier I had to reload my OS, Tascam drivers and reload PT10. I have provided screen shots of my current configuration. Maybe is someone can provide me with their screen shots of all their Tascam setting and Pro Tools I/O so I can do a stare/compare
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@BigEasy504 You said: "while in Remote mode I press the stereo for the output assign the stereo button does not light up" I don't think that the buss assign option is available at the remote layer. Are there any particular screenshots that you desire. Perhaps I can help with that
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Turn your computer off. Start with basiscs. You assign to stereo buss at channel input layer. Do you see signal coming in on specific channel? Is that channel routed to the stereo buss? Is your master fader up? Are you speakers and CR volume up? Do you hear in headphones as well?
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@BigEasy504 You said: "while in Remote mode I press the stereo for the output assign the stereo button does not light up" I don't think that the buss assign option is available at the remote layer. Are there any particular screenshots that you desire. Perhaps I can help with that

I posted screen shots at the beginning of the thread. Your help would be greatly appreaciated
With the computer off I am getting my MIC and outboard gear signal going through the DM 3200 and I can hear sound when I MIC check coming out the speakers and the headphones and this is in the channels and remote [Layer Status]. I turned the DM 3200 off, turned on my PC and bought up Pro Tools 10. Played a project but nothing is coming out.

I can still hear in the head phones/speakers when I MIC check, my outboard gear all while PT10 is up but playing a project is a no go.

My frustration has diminished some so thanks CMaffia for helping me rule out the DM. The problem now seems to be narrowed down to my software and/or the routing in the DM 3200.

At the start of the thread are attached files that has what my routing looks like in the DM 3200 and Pro Tools 10. If I can get some advisement on the Pro Tools peripherals and the I/O Setup and the routing setup in the DM 3200 I’d appreciate it.

I also noticed in PT10 the Peripheral drop down for any of the predefined options does not show Tascam DM 3200 option by itself it has the rest for all the MIDIINS and OUTS but not by itself.
This is the beta driver I'm using: IFFWDMmkII_Setup_172407_
What does the Tascam ASIO tool show? Is the audio driver even locked?
@BigEasy504 How about completely removing Protools from the equation. As I had mentioned in an unrelated post elsewhere on the forum, I would get my hands on another PC / Laptop that has Fire Wire connectivity, load a free DAW and test to your hearts content. That is what I would do. Just my two cents worth.
@Peter Batah He needs to confirm the Tascam ASIO driver status first before confusing the situation further with another PC or DAW. It sounds like he is using the same hardware as before but reinstalled the OS so unless their is truly a hardware failure somewhere, its safe to assume everything should work.

You're using an older version of the Tascam ASIO/Firewire driver.
Uninstall what you have an install version IF-FW/DMmkII V1.30f9
Username : iffwdm
Password : firefly

You need to make sure the Tascam ASIO/FireWire driver is working properly and that there is communication between your PC's FireWire port and the IF-FW/DM-MKII card. The Tascam ASIO driver status should say its locked and connected or else you will not be able to pass audio to or from the DM via FireWire. Make sure you are using the LEGACY OHCI 1394 driver which comes with Windows 7.
Where on the DM you check the ASIO locked info I have an idea but I'd like to be sure?
I will check later this evening when I get off from work.

Also I'm running SP1 and since I have reloaded the OS I should turn off the windows updates - please confirm
Its the application that gets installed with the FireWire drivers (No, not TMC as that's the application for USB functions). I don't think Windows 7 updates anymore. At least it doesn't on my Win7 partition.

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