Machinator Mod for FW-1884 and Windows 8.1 (64bit)


New Member
Feb 17, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam FW-1884
If anybody in Southern California wants it done, I can do it for you.

Just buy the parts from the website and I can do it for you for a reasonable price, or I can walk you through it for free. It's not as hard as it looks, if you have the right tools, patience and soldering skills.

my condenser mic (AT4040) sounds amazingly transparent and full after this mod to the phantom power.

The word I use to describe it is "presence". I had a problem with a buzz every time I touched any of the faders, but that went away after the mod.

Also, I got my FW-1884 working on my Windows 8.1 (64bit) machine flawlessly! Had to use legacy drivers for the 1394 controllers, from my old W7 (64bit) machine and put it on my desktop. Started my W8 machine in a way that allowed me to use unsigned drivers, assigned the legacy drivers to the 1394 controllers, then downloaded the, extracted it, installed it, then connected my FW-1884 and I was in business.

Part of the problem at first was that I wasn't that familiar with the normal operation of the FW-1884 in the first place, second, no body tells you that you have to get the legacy drivers for 1394 controllers from an older 64 bit W7 machine AND you need the 1.80 drivers for the FW-1884. And it all must be done with the ability to install unsigned drivers.

It took me awhile, but it all worked out after much trial and error.

Busy weekend, whew!

Please hit me up if you have any questions. I'd love to help.

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