Muting DM4800 channels via MIDI pedalboard


Active Member
Aug 11, 2014
Gear owned
I use the Behringer FCB1010 which can send program changes and CC messages. I simply want to send a MIDI instruction to mute channels 15-16 on my DM4800 or un mute them. I have a bit of MIDI experience but none for the DM4800 so help appreciated.
Thank you, I have this but it is quite obscure, was hoping somebody knows how to do it quickly. I guess I'll immerse myself although the document doesn't even contain the word MUTE, so seems like an uphill battle.
Ya you'll have to lookup how mute works in HUI emulation (I think it's there, just another term being used for it). Any way you look at it won't be simple to be honest, because even once you know which command it is you'll have to figure out how to send it to different channels and then also to program it into the pedal board (I own the same one and I almost never use it because it's such a pain to program!)
Turns out that the DM4800 has built in functionality via its display (or 2seemy in my case) to set certain incoming MIDI messages to mute channels, so at least there is an angle which was not covered at all in the midi implementation document.
Gerk, have you ever tried programming the FCB1010 via the freely available graphical interface app? There are several, including one for the UnO firmware. They are incredibly easy to use and you don't need to worry one bit about the otherwise impossible task to program the pedal directly, which I have never done once in my life.
Arjan, thanks I will take a look although I am a Logic/ProTools user and will never need Cubase, but I'll definitely take a look.
Hi! It's not covered in the MIDI implementation, but it is covered in the manual. Good luck and keep making great music.
I've never tried any of the GUI setups to program the foot board, no, they all seemed to be for windows when I last looked and I'm a Mac user.
There are a couple of MAC versions actually although I must admit I never tried them. Other easy enough option is to run Parallels on the Mac but that's requires to buy it and install a Windows partition on the Mac, so not for everybody although I found Windows was running faster on my MacBook actually.

Arjan, I tried watching the video link you provided but it is all about Cubase and totally not what I need.
Lastly, and importantly, the functionality for the so called Control Change Table For Mixer is described in an obscure DM4800 firmware 1.50 upgrade document. It barely explains how to do what I need, so I'm going to try blindly.
MIDI is MIDI my friend. It is easy to do.I will send you instructions shortly - I just woke up! Just remember to use the physical MIDI In's in the back. I want you t be able to do what you want to do.
Arjan, I tried watching the video link you provided but it is all about Cubase and totally not what I need.
Yeah, reading back later I realized I wasn't quite awake when I wrote that.. Still a good video all the same ;) Sorry..
Thanks for the device but I decided to abandon this approach and instead will simply insert a basic analog volume pedal on the channel I want to control as one channel only is part of my guitar rig for a piezo guitar pick up. I would have less flexibility even if I worked out how to control the fader via midi. Not worth the aggravation, but thank you anyways.
Too bad. I did it in 5 minutes. Works perfectly. But, I'm not doing a video, it takes up too much time. Glad you found a solution that works for you. Good luck and I look forward to hearing your music should you decide to share it.
By the way, you mentioned you were a Peo Tools user as well. The Pro Tools video I did has a lot of detail on the >>physical<< MIDI Port Setup for the DM4800. In any case, again, good luck with everything you're trying to get accomplished so you can make good music.

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