MxView with Win 10

Rob f

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
Sussex, UK
Gear owned
2 x MX2424. MCI JH428B
Hello All,

Thanks to Alan I now have a copy of mxView on this wind 10 Laptop.

It seems to hook up with one of my machines OK. I can arm tracks, operate the transport etc. However it doesn't seem to allow me to create new tracks or change the i/o settings etc.

Is this something that people have found a problem in Win 7 etc ? It just seems a bit odd because the network connection seems pretty solid on one of my machines but not the other.
Hi Rob,

I am a bit confused about the create new track thing, to create a new track you just arm and record a track. If you mean create a new project it's under the pop down menu (under file I think, not in front of a screen at the moment). I have never tried to change i/o settings via the computer always on the front panel, so not sure about this.

I am still running an XP machine for MX view, but I know it does work on 10. Someone here running windows 10 will chime in shortly I am sure.

You're right I do mean create a new project. I tried the drop down menu but the option is greyed out.

I used to use mxView a lot on my XP laptop, & all these functions worked. I was talking with a friend of mine with an IT background. He made the point that if the laptop is communicating with the 2424 then there shouldn't really be any issues, so maybe it's somethung to do with the way the 2424 is set up.

ANother issue I had was putting the machine into record I was getting a write error to the hard drive, & it was stopping after a couple of seconds, but this has to be the 2424 rather than mxView.
I would think that if the new project option is greyed out, it is to do with the drive not being mounted correctly of it's full?

Usually you can't put the MX into record with no drive mounted, but if you are getting a write error it may be a problem there.

However just to check, have a look at the menu items, I.E. sample rate, input/output settings, etc.

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