Problems with US-144 MK II USB interface with OSX Yosemite


New Member
Jan 24, 2015
Gear owned
US-144 MK II

We have a pretty urgent problem. We try to copy 400+ DAT tapes with 32 kHz/ 16 bit radio recordings to the hard drive. We are using:

Mac Mini 2014, 3Ghz, 16 GB Ram, 256 GB SSD, Yosemite.
Tascam US-144 MK II, last firmware and drivers
Sony Dat 55 ES

Our problem:

For the first 120 DATs everything seemed to run fine, then suddenly we realized that the time of the Audacity recording and the time on the Sony don't match. We listened to the recording and found that every second or so Audacity skipped a good part of the incoming signal. As a result we got a lot of short segments following each other, playing it sounds like fast forward of a CD. The record is in extrem cases only 20 min long, whereas the original tape had 2 h.

The problem persists and returns unpredictably. Sometimes only after 12 h of successful recording.

We did run some additional programs in the background, like DB-browser for sqlite. We also were connected to wifi. We prevented Spotlight from searching on the (external) project hard drive. We disabled iCloud. The temporal data of Audacity is saved on the internal SSD. We run time machine in the background.

We use TeamViewer to work together on this project, but during recordings it is not connected.

I tested how much CPU and RAM is used over all, it doesn't seem to be the problem. The Tascam US-144 and the keyboard are the only two things connected to USB ports.

If anybody has an idea or advice, it would be terribly helpful.

I found a couple of USB related entries in the log-files close to times where the problems occured. I hope this might help.

Thank you,


23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: usbApplyDeviceControls
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: ---------NO MONITORING MODIFICATION
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: changes
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: SETFREQUENCY in PGDevice::startStreaming() 32000
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: *******************************************
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: *******************************************
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: AKM TXregs: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: akmTX_0D,akmTX_10 0x4 0x3
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: InitFramePattern... 32000 3 4 3 4 0
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: ...USB 2 Pattern
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: MIXED PROCESSING ISOC OUT and BULK IN
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: getFrequency returned 32000
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: NUM INPUTS is 4
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: READ INPUT SELECT returned 0x0 0x36
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: NEW INPUT SELECT is 0x36
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: WRITE INPUT SELECT returned 0x0
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: mBytesPerBulkFromClient is 0
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: uNextFrame= 40770979
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: mIsocIn.initForStream...
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: mIsocInFeedback.initForStream...
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: mIsocOut.initForStream...
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: FEEDBACK FramePattern Locked
23.01.15 10:24:13,000 kernel[0]: USB: reset feedback error counter (full frame)
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: FEEDBACK Lost Sync...Len/Expected/MaxDelta/Frame 170 32 1 0
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: mIsocInFeedback.mErrorCounter > 40
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003063: +USBMidiDevice::stop 0x0xffffff8044026008
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003064: -USBMidiDevice::stop
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: Set Read IrpCancel
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: rtsIsoWriteCompleteStatic - ignore ISOC-RB - reconfiguration or stop streaming pcRB is 0x4179B008
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: rtsIsoWriteCompleteStatic - ignore ISOC-RB - reconfiguration or stop streaming pcRB is 0x43636408
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: rtsIsoWriteCompleteStatic - ignore ISOC-RB - reconfiguration or stop streaming pcRB is 0x43834C08
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: AJ::inAsyncCompletionRoutine failed - status/bufferSizeRemaining 0xE00002EB 0x9
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB:
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: void PGDevice::eek:nStreamingStopped()
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003065: +USBMidiDevice::stop 0x0xffffff8044026008
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003066: -USBMidiDevice::stop
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: END PGDevice::stopStreaming()
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003074: +USBMidiDevice::closePipes 0x0xffffff8044026008
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: 003075: -USBMidiDevice::closePipes
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: before m_pUSBDevice->ResetDevice()
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: m_pUSBDevice->ResetDevice() returned 00000000
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: ...check for pending hid calls
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: Req_HandleStreamBroken1
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: CurrentConfig 0
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: Found Vendor(MIDI) interface
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: NO Audio Control interface
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: NO HID interface
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: assign interfaces for Launchpad compatibles
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: Found Audio Streaming In interface
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: Found Audio Streaming Out interface
23.01.15 10:24:57,000 kernel[0]: USB: findInterfacesInConfig iFrequency 32000

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