Hi All, new here -
I'm considering selling my audio interface (Behringer UMC1820) and analog mixer (Soundcraft M8) that I only use for occasional dub reggae mixing to get the Model 12.
Goal is to get rid of annoying wiring and save desk space. I need to it be set up in a way where it's always ready for tracking/mixing without touching any cables or menu diving on the mixer.
I'm only interested in recording into the DAW for now.
I've read the manual and watched videos, but wanted to confirm if my understand is correct. or if this is a stupid idea
My setup would be:
I'm considering selling my audio interface (Behringer UMC1820) and analog mixer (Soundcraft M8) that I only use for occasional dub reggae mixing to get the Model 12.
Goal is to get rid of annoying wiring and save desk space. I need to it be set up in a way where it's always ready for tracking/mixing without touching any cables or menu diving on the mixer.
I'm only interested in recording into the DAW for now.
I've read the manual and watched videos, but wanted to confirm if my understand is correct. or if this is a stupid idea

My setup would be:
- Mics/Instruments plugged into Mixer Mono Inputs 3-6, 7, 9
- Aux Send 1 has an external mono effect (100% wet Delay) and returns into Channel 1.
- Aux Send 2 has an external mono effect (100% wet Reverb) and returns into Channel 2.
- 2 Insert Cables on Channel 1 and 2 into an external Stereo Chorus effect.
- Mixer USB-C to Macbook USB-C
- Mixer Main Output to studio monitor speakers
- I set all Mixer channels to Direct Mode.
- The DAW receives signal from these channels into respective DAW Inputs 1-10 (selectable pre or post EQ/Comp)
- I can either monitor directly by sending Mixer Channel to Main output or I can monitor from DAW (with in-the-box effects) if I don't send to Main
- If I had a Synth with a keybed, and it’s MIDI Out goes into Mixer MIDI In. And a Synth module (no keybed) with Mixer MIDI Out going into its MIDI In. Then I can play VSTs and the external Synth module using both the other Synth’s keybed and DAW as sequencer.
- I create a bus in my DAW, that outputs stereo to DAW Output 1/2.
- I set Mixer Channel 1 and 2 to PC Mode.
- Create new Audio Track in DAW receiving signal from DAW Input 1/2.
- I play the audio from DAW, and simultaneously record the wet signal from Mixer Channel 1/2.
- Now in the DAW I have a stereo track with wet signal, that should line up with the original tracks with negligible latency.
- I have a DAW Project where tracking is complete.
- Set Mixer’s USB Audio Mode to Stereo Mix
- Group the DAW tracks into 6 Mono Tracks and 2 Stereo Tracks and assign them to Outputs 1-6, 7/8, 9/10.
- Set all Mixer Channels to PC mode.
- I don’t want the external Insert effects on Channel 1/2, so I unplug the Insert cables.
- When I press play in the DAW, signal flows into the mixer, and I can ride the faders, aux knobs, and record the Mixer Main Output into DAW Input 1/2. It’ll record as a new track in the same DAW Project that has the stems.