There are some great video guides/tutorials out there that can help get you going. I know I would still be lost if I had not slowed myself down and took time to logically work through all the features these units possess. Not always the most intuitive devices but they indeed get the job done. Best of luck!
Thanks Steven...I do try to play the game and troll all the vids to find an answer before I come to the forum, but I couldn’t find anything about doctoring my direct bass signal into something manageable..when I saw the term ‘guitar effects ‘ I wrongly expected pre sets...again a la other .all in one units. Hence my post here..which sadly for you all will not be my last...ta fer yer help.
Truth be told, I too am a bass player but I have never tried a bass guitar direct connect to my DP-24 or DP-32. Think I will make some time this weekend and give it a try. Suspect my results will be close to what you have been experiencing. Just not sure they had bass guitars in mind when they incorporated the "effects" into these devices but.... there should be a way to obtain "usable" results. Will post my experiences.