Staying the course with the DM

I like the ones I own so much, I just signed up for the subscription (got four months free due to number of things I bought), and am about to ruin my life by hearing, for the first time, their emulation of a Lexicon 480l 'verb. "Hold on to your hat... we may end up miles from here."
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I had no idea about this Jim. Oy...........I have the VTM and VCC. Let me know how you fare. I need to build a deck in the backyard for next summer so that's where my future money needs to be. I'll mix vicariously through you!
Well... it's incredible. Slate is actually distributing the Relab LX480 Complete. Amazing depth of control, and the sound is sublime. Best software reverb I've ever heard, by far. I think I may be putting my MPX-1s up for
180°. I did another in-depth examination, totally re-evaluated. I'm going the other way. My 3200 is for sale.

This forum has bookended my tenure as a DM user. You guys helped me make a good decision to buy one years back. Thanks to you all, especially Charlie, Jamsire and our dear departed Captain Dan.
Awwwwwwww man! I'll certainly you on here, but I know how to reach you otherwise.

Groove on!
Yeah, Ernie, I'm going ITB with a MOTU 896mk3 interface... used, one owner. That one owner just happened to be Roger Nichols. :)

For a control surface, I'm going with the new Slate Digital Raven MTi2. The last reconfig cut my cable count by half. This one will cut the current cable count by about 70%. Super clean. For the work I'm doing, and for the greatly reduced number of physical inputs I'm using, this will be a much more elegant and future-proof solution.
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Wow Jim, that is one sexy setup! I love the Raven MTi2. I wish I needed it. I may request it at school. We'll stay in touch otherwise. Please send a parting picture of your new setup when it's done.

Congratulations and "Salute!"
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Congrats! Less cables is always a great option. Those MTI2's look fantastic, let us know how it works out for you!
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Jim your new plans sounds like fun! Wish I could try what your doing however from what I read the Raven requires a Mac. Not sure yet if the PC is supported yet. I heard it is but I can't confirm. You're certainly going bleeding edge!
The Windows PC's are being supported in the new software, Charlie. Not only that, but they've released versions that interface with all major DAWs... Digital Performer, Cubase, Abelton, and lots more. It's not just for ProTools anymore.
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