Upgrading IF-FW/DMmkII driver


Dec 13, 2012
Long Island, NY
Gear owned
Dm 4800 imac Pro Tools 10
Ok two potentially stupid questions here. First question - Are these new drivers backwards compatible? In other words can I install IF-FW/DMmkII V1.30f10 while still using mac os 10.8.5? Second question is that I notice there is a firmware update in the TM companion software. Is this something totally different and unrelated?
I believe all the drivers are backwards compatible, but specific to windows or Mac. The newer drivers just have extra support for newer OSs. However, input from Redbus would be the definitive answer.
Your TM Companion software is the only way to update the firmware in your DM. On your DM, hit ALT/UTILITY/and the System TAB. Bottom left will show you what firmware your DM is using. You should show 1.72b3. That is the DM's firmware. if you need to update it, download from the new driver site and install using the directions within your TM companion.
If you hit ALT/DIGITAL/SLOT Tab, the firmware listed on the left is the firmware for your FW card. It should be Ver 1.1 Mine says BUILD# 88685
thanks so much that's clear. so the firewire driver is different from the DM firmware. So in that case how do I update the firewire driver? I see where to download it from the tascam site, just not sure how I get the new FW driver onto the firewire card.
You would install it by downloading it to somewhere on your desktop, unzipping it, then double clicking it. It will automatically run the setup program to get it into your FW card, as you put it.
ah, ok so it was a stupid question after all... thanks for the help and patience. I promise I'm much better at the audio side of this than I am with the IT side. Who knew you needed to practically be a system engineer to record music?

Not sure why, but I thought that somehow it would need to be done through the DM itself and not on my mac.

Thank you again!
Ok… Arrggghhh. Maybe it's better to leave this alone but I have to ask about this: "Your TM Companion software is the only way to update the firmware in your DM. On your DM, hit ALT/UTILITY/and the System TAB. Bottom left will show you what firmware your DM is using. You should show 1.72b3. That is the DM's firmware. if you need to update it, download from the new driver site and install using the directions within your ™ companion. ~~~~~ I'm showing Ver 1.70. But I apparently don't get where the new driver site is. I don't see anything newer than what I already have on the Tascam site. What site are you referring too? My PT is ver 10.3.5 and the Mac is 10.8.5. Should I just leave the firmware where it is? I am a huge coward when it comes to FW updates and new OS from Mac. I'm terrified of losing what capability I have. Thnx, ds .
I completely understand how confusing it is. To better understand everything, think of it this way.
Firmware is the software stuff that is inside any digital electronic device, like your DM, or your FW card. It is this software that makes your device work within itself, telling it to do something when you push a button or move a knob.
A Driver is the software that is in windows or your mac that tells the computer how to use the device and what to name it.
Unfortunately, it takes a few different drivers and two firmwares to make this all work.

You can find the current beta Firmware and Drivers for everything at this website:
https://dev.tascam-parc.com/parc_beta/ username:iffwdm Password: firefly

Once you get to the website, you will see lists of drivers and firmware.
The current Firmware for your DM is version 1.72b3. You can download it to your mac, then unzip it. Now open Tascam Companion, click on WINDOW and firmware updater. Your DM should be listed with the current Firmware version next to it. To update, click OPEN, find the file you just downloaded and unzipped, and then click on UPDATE. Everything will restart.

The current Firmware for your IF-FW/DM card is version 1.1. To check and see which version you have go to ALT/DIGITAL/SLOT. Look under VERSION. If you have a different version, like 1.0, go to the Tascam product page for the FW card and click on downloads. Download 1.1 and run it's setup.

Now on to drivers...
There really isn't a driver for your DM since Tascam Companion is the software that works over your USB connection to send data to/from your DM, as well as firmware updates. But your computer does need to know how to work with that FW card you crammed into it. So, that needs a driver. Go to the website above to get the latest driver for your FW card and install it. For your mac, it's V1.30f10, near the top of the list.

So, to summarize,
Latest Tascam Digital mixer.....
Firmware...V1.72b3 from website Driver....Tascam Companion v1.51 from Tascam product page

Latest IF-FW/DM MKII...
Firmware...V1.1 from Tascam product page Driver...V1.30f10(mac) f9

One more driver to worry about. This is for anyone using a windows machine. (mac users, go about your business...nothing to see here...:) Windows has it's own driver to make the IEEE 1394a (FW) buss host controller work. It comes with every version of windows and was probably installed automatically when you first plugged in your DM (or any FW device). But the version it installs is a newer version that doesn't seem to work as well as the older "Legacy" version does. So, if you are interested in changing it, go to device manager, find the 1394 buss host controller and right click on it. Select "Update Driver Software", Browse my Computer, Let me pick from a list, 1394 (Legacy). Double click to install. Restart. It might/should help pass audio a little better.
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The latest Mac driver V1.30f10 is backwards compatible to:
and is required for 10.10.x

If anyone has an older OS, they need to use the previous version of the driver that was in effect at that time.
Hello everybody. I am new on this forum, but ready to shoot off:

Two days ago (6th of April 2018) I purchased a DM 3200.

I connected it and used it already on two OSX systems:
- Mac OSX - El Capitan, using driver FW driver 1.30f10 for OSX, DM had 1.70 firmware installed
- Mac OSX - High Sierra (10.13.4), using also FW driver 1.30f10 for OSX, DM still had 1.70 firmware installed

Meanwhile, I upgraded the DM to 1.72b4 firmware, ending in a fully successful setup.
As DAW, I use Logic Pro (latest version). and managed to set up MC control to and from the DM.

So using a DM 3200 in 2018 on a most recent version of OSX is still very well feasible.

Upgrading the firewire firmware (v1.10 from the Tascam support site) did not work (both on El Capitan and on High Sierra):

"No Device Found"

so the updater does apparently not find the Firewire port on OSX.

Any hints?
Use an older computer (Mac or PC) to update the IF-FW firmware.

Just out of interest, what is your current IF-FW firmware version?
Err.. firmware updates need to go via USB, or am I wrong?
AFAIK, the IF-FW firmware updater uses the firewire connection. The mixer firmware uses the (mixer) USB.
Dumb question, but where can i find the 1.72b4 update? Thanks. W
Its in several stickies in the forum. Look at my sticky on Windows 10 compatibility which has the FTP site information in it (Step #3) and make sure you download the correct one. There is one for the DM3200 and 4800.
AFAIK, the IF-FW firmware updater uses the firewire connection. The mixer firmware uses the (mixer) USB.

Sorry, you're right of course. :)
Dear all, thank you very much for your feedback so far.

I followed up on the comment "use an older mac". I used an old Mac Mini running Lion (version 10.7.5), installed the Mac Firewire driver for Lion and tried to run the Firewire firmware updater.

Once again: device not found.

Any further suggestions?

Dear all,

I found the solution myself:

- uninstall any OSX firewire driver using the uninstaller
- install the OSX firewire driver 1.10 (very old!), just to enable installing the FW card firmware
- install the FW card firmware (the driver version is now recognized!), which works smoothly
- if needed: remove the OSX firewire 1.10 driver and install the newest available driver for the OSX version.

The >digital>Slot>version now reflects Firmware ver 1.10, build 88695. Result!
thanks for these info.
I've updating from driver to 1.309
The CPU usage is 10% less than before (was 40% with 1.21)
and firmware from 1.7 to 1.72
Hi everyone, I have read through this thread, and I am still left puzzled. Everything is updated except my TM companion. my current version on my DM reads 1.62 bl 1 and I want the newest version. 1.72b3. when I download and install from the tascam website, and then follow the install instructions it takes me to this (please find image attached)... From what I can tell there is no 'Update' button option anywhere?? where to from here?


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Just for your info: New MacBook Pro running high sierra. DM3200. Firewire driver 1.30f10(latest) Frimware VER 1.10 build 88685 The cabels certainly work, but status on the DM says the 'drivers offline' .. so why is the driver not communicating with the DM? The only thing I am yet to try is updating the companion, but as yo9u can see in my last post I cannot find the option to update it. Version info on my companion reads 1.62 updater bl 1

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