US-122MKII latency Issue with EZdrummer


New Member
Aug 22, 2013
Gear owned
I recently bought a US-122MKII audio/midi interface to expand my E-drum set (Roland TD9KX2). I'm using the US-122MKII for midi in and audio out with Toontrack Solo as a host and EZdrummer to generate the drum-sounds.
I managed to get it working, the sounds of EZdrummer are much better than the on board sounds of the TD9-module. But, I find the latency just too high for drumming-purposes. Especially when playing along, you really feel the delay and it get's me out of the rhythm.
I have te latency setting on 'low' in the Tascam control panel.
When I try to set it on 'lowest', the sound changes in a bunch of distortion and it seems to be echo-ing midi notes. When I go back to 'low latency', it's fine again.
I'm running it on windows 7 64bit with the latest Tascam driver from the website. When playing, the application only uses 30% of CPU time and 50% and I have about 1GB of memory left.
Is there a way to reduce the latency. It would be sad if I can't get it better because I was planning to use this setup live in the future.
I was using the 32bit SOLO and EZD. Now upgraded to 64bit and I can select lowest latency, but still I can feel it's too much. :(
Loaded the latest firmware and still the same problem...
Considering to send it back to the shop...
Out of curiosity, I installed the 32bit driver (from the website), and the 32bit version of EZ-drummer and SOLO on my old (stored on the attic) win XP-machine.
Surprisingly, it works terrific, even with the latency setting on Lowest.
I've also sent an e-mail to Tascam support Europe...
It's clear now, it's related to windows 7...
What kind of forum is this? I don't get any support or replies???
Hi there, I am a week away of trying the same interface with addictive drums,(the only thing left 4 me is building a pc rig, just for the sake of having more realistic sounds than my td-6 roland module) and I ll let you know how it goes.

By the way , what is your latency now that you solved it?

I will be using :

Roland td-6 for outputting midi data

tascam us-122l for audio interface

the pc rig, will definetely have at least 4gb, fast cpu, and a 7200hdd, in order to battle latency.

I ll post my results soon i hope

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