Where To Buy a Dm4800 display?

I would imagine another other LCD design would be vastly more reliable than the original. Let us know how it works! Thanks!
Hi Chaps,

As promised here is a quick update. I was expecting delivery of the new screen for the DM4800 replacement I purchased from this chap http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152423595366 today. I got an email from him late yesterday when he tried to call me but could not get hold of me.

We eventually spoke in the evening and it appears that there is a delay from the manufactures and he currently has none in stock. So I asked when will they be available and he said they are being ordered from China and because of the Chinese new year it will probably take at least 2 weeks for them to arrive here in the UK.

He was very apologetic about not being able to fulfill the order as stated on his ebay page and offer to source a "white on black" temporary replacement which i dont like the look off in the meantime. So I asked him to refund my purchase which he promptly did and I asked him to bounce me an email when he does have them here in stock in the UK.

Looks like I will be going with the Tascam option for now and if it does ever become available I will pick one up as I like the look of the LED display. I am afraid the search for a better screen continues for us DM 3200/4800 owners.
This is just my opinion as I already replaced both my DM3200 screens TWICE even after upgrading both to the 2SeeMy option (I am OCD like yourself). One of them started getting lines after 10 months and Tascam only offers a 90 day warranty. I'm not the only one who's replacement starting getting lines in less than a year (search for Jim Gravity's experience). If it were me, I'd wait for this guy to get you the screen you want. He seems to have redeemed himself. I'd even had gotten the white on black screen. More than likely this screen will last longer than your DM which I can't say for any Tascam replacements I bought. You're essentially buying a brand new poorly designed part for $200+ that will fail.
Thanks for that headsup Cmaffia, as it turns out I have to wait anyway as the Local UK Tascam support has just ran out and had to order some due to arrive next week. I will keep you all posted on my trials.
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darkjoint: did you ever receive the LED display from the UK seller? I am considering buying one from him, but want to hear the experience of anyone that has installed one. Did it work well for you?
Regarding the seller on Reverb and eBay proposing an LED based replacement display for the DM-3200 / DM-4800 (see links at bottom of this message), I recommend you avoid dealing with them. I just went through a long series of messages with the seller and they refused to answer any of my questions, including not apparently being willing to show me any evidence of any customer that has successfully installed and used this alternative display. They were also very rude to me, pushing me to buy, then calling my questions stupid. This is unfortunate, as an LED backlit version of the display would be very welcome. The only option now is to buy the Tascam stock replacement part.
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Buying the stock LCD is not the only option. As said here so many times I've lost count, install the 2seemy card as the permanent solution. 2 of the Tascam replacement LCD's cost almost as much as a used DM3200 without expansions and they will only die again. Forget the eBay LCD. You're the 2nd person to note his rudeness (the other was me) and you'd be taking a risk purchasing from him as he can't be trusted.
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Thanks, but my understanding is that the 2seemy solution requires the use of one of the DM-3200 expansion ports. I am using a FW card plus an analog card, so both of my DM-3200 expansion ports are being used.

My current DM-3200 display has been working fine for many years, but I've recently seen instances of it fading (not lines, just lack of contrast) so I'm wanting a backup plan.

Also, I'm in Canada, and the 2seemy interface costs 210 euro, or about $310 CDN, and that does not include the dedicated VGA-connected display that needs to be added. The alternative seems that you can use their software to display the mixer screen on your computer monitor, but their website is pretty bad so I haven't been able to confirm if that method will run reliably on Mac.

Tascam stock display lists at $200 USD, so with the conversion and shipping would probably work out to about $300 CDN, with nothing else to add.
It doesn't have too use the expansion port. It can mount on back of your DM as per the installation instructions on their site. You plug your monitor directly to the 2seemy card so whether your Mac or PC is of no concern. It does come with windows software that allows you to output the LCD to a PC using the USB port on the card. I promise you your Tascam LCD replacement will eventually die prematurely again. I've gone through 3 between 2 machines in 7 years and I'm not alone. Yes the 2seemy is easy to install and is 100% reliable. Many of us in the forum have it installed if you need testimonials. I have 1 installed in each of my DM3200's. I had several spare 15" monitors so no added cost there for me and a small monitor isn't a huge investment anyway. If you think it's a no brainer cost wise to buy a replacement LCD then good luck, you've been warned :).

See mine in action. I have then sharing one monitor using a small video A/B switch.
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Thanks, good too know 2seemy can strap on the back of the mixer without need for expansion port. I'd rather not have additional monitors. From what you say, the 'software' support is only for PC, so it's no good to me. I'll think on this some more. But as mentioned, I've bee running same original LCD in my DM-3200 for many years (over 7, probably closer to 10 now) without any problems. Eventually, may die, so will decide what route to go. Good to know many folks here have done the 2seemy successfully. Your input has been very much appreciated!
Good luck then. With shipping from CA to NY, total cost was $235 USD. Multiple that by 3. Tascam isn't getting another dime from me with this poorly designed screen they chose to use (even after all the complaints it got from the DM24 community).
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Hello all, Might have missed this somewhere but where do I purchase the 2seemy unit, and when having 2 DMs cascaded would I need 2seemy cards also ? Thanks
Hi jimmy, here ya go: http://2seemy.com/

And I would think if both DM's displays are bad, you'd want 2 of these.
I never had any difficulty with the Tascam screen on my DM4800 unit though I understand that I’m in the minority. I decided to purchase the LCD version through Stephen James on EBay non the less and fitted it in about half an hour in the company of a friend who is an electronics expect. It’s black on white text and works perfectly It was under €200 and a good option now the 2 seemy has become unavailable.
Please contact James about his displays - I am on the verge of buying one, but fortunately asked him if there will be any problems with a 2Seemy card: he said that only the blue on white will work properly with 2Seemy (well not exactly: in theory they both should work, but that's what customers seem to have responded to him).

I'd rather have a black and white, but since I make also use of the 2Seemy, blue and white it is.
I can remember James asking me if my DM4800 had 2 seemy or not and I explained that mine was as standard. I have the computer card and 3 analogue cards in mine so all card space is taken up. My screen is black on white and working without issues. The screen is a little smaller than the original but it still works fine. It is a better option than the original and dealing with James was fine for me.
Please contact James about his displays - I am on the verge of buying one, but fortunately asked him if there will be any problems with a 2Seemy card: he said that only the blue on white will work properly with 2Seemy (well not exactly: in theory they both should work, but that's what customers seem to have responded to him).

I'd rather have a black and white, but since I make also use of the 2Seemy, blue and white it is.
Let me clear this up for you, as I am the one who discovered that the blue on white LED display is the only one from Luxdisplays that will work with the 2Seemy card.

Waterstrum from this forum was experiencing this issue with his black on white LED replacement from Lux Displays, and after some back and forth troubleshooting remotely, he sent it to me to test in my system. It exhibited the very same issue (Would not work with my 2Seemy), whereas my blue on white LED replacement screen was working fine with it.
Anyway, after a bit, and completely by accident, I discovered that the circuit board on the black on white display was different from the one on the blue on white display. I related this information to Stephen and he generously swapped out Waterstrum's display for a blue on white one which solved the issue. It took over two months to make this happen with international shipping issues due to the pandemic, but resulted in a very happy camper in one John Hoy, as I am sure he would be happy to chime in and attest.

So, do not, repeat, do not buy the black on white LED display if you are going to use it with a 2Seemy card. Not conjecture, not hearsay, simply a fact. You heard it from the horse's mouth ;-)
And kudos to Stephen James who worked with us to source this issue.

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Yes. Makes sense. Stephen checked with me first whether I had 2 seemy or not and when he heard I didn’t use it he sent me a black on white background screen. I know others have apparently had some difficulties with him but he was very helpful to me snd I found him to be a gentleman in any dealings I had with him.

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