"write timeout" : error solution?

Dennis FMRJE

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2014
Gear owned
Two DP-24s, 2488, 788
I have seen on other forum posts the problem of the DP-24 the error of :"write timeout" error which happens during the dp24 mastering recording process in which the dp24 abruptly stops. I been using DP24's for 4 months, while mastering my 78 minute 23 track recording; I experience the timeout error, this has occurred 3 times. 4 hours of recorded time is available on the MicroCenter SD HC Extreme Speed 32 GB drive. Fortunately the fix I discovered for (3 errors) is to do : "Delete Unused" step ; concludes to a successful master for a 78 minute concert.

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