IF-FW/DMMKII beta drivers for DM3200/DM4800

Using OS X Yosemite, 10.10.5, 27" iMac with the DM3200, installed IFFDWMKII installer 1.3014, and from my iMac (firewire 800 into the dm 400)

the square one into the iMac and the regular size firewire into the DM

My status then says on the DM: CARD: OK, 1394 : NO Cable
the IFFDWMKII Control Panel says: NO DEVICE FOUND.

Any help getting this to work CORRECTLY: MMC, channels REMOTE, etc...


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"NO cable" is usually not a driver issue. Bad cable or blown PHY chip. When did it last work?
well, I had it connected to my MAC PRO (TOWER) with 10.8.5, I acquired a iMac 27"to put YOSEMITE on it, and swap everything over. Now with my MAC PRO TOWER, everything ran fine, I only bought a new firewire cable to convert from the iMac firewire port to the DM's port.

When I look at the USB setting in the iMac, it says : DM3200 in the listing, so it does see it (USB) wise, however fire wire (NOPE). So the only new cable in the whole thing is the FIREWIRE cable.

If I swap all the cable BACK to my mac pro, all works fine, using the old firewire cable though

on the iMac is says under FIREWIRE; maximum speed 800, that's it, and under THUNDERBOLT: no hardware was found
The other thing to do is to open the System Log in Utilities->Console, then see if you get any activity when the Firewire cable is connected. If you get nothing at all, either the Mac or the cable is bad.
Under UTILITY and SYSTEM on the DM, nothing is different, I don't use the CF Card Property, nor the CF Card Utility, The date is fine, my mixer name is fine, the VERSION INFO: MIXER 1.60 (88648) Updater: DL1 (88648) The date is correct, and the time is correct. Battery check: STATUS : OK

So everything points to the new FW800 to 400 cable I purchased, that's gotta be it.
I give up, going back to my MAC PRO, ordered an adapter (400 to 800) using the the firewire cable I originally used, attached the adapter, plugged it in, and still......... STATUS on the DM says: STATUS : CARD OK, 1394: NO CABLE

I purchased one: 400 to 800 cable, no go,
now I've purchased an adapter 400 to 800,
attached it to the ORIGINAL firewire cable that was working on my MAC PRO and still...........nothing.

I went the hell and back waiting for Logic X to install, got it, Pro Tools 10 had an issue on Yosemite , figured that out, got it, updated my MPC elements installed all files, got it, Midi interface MOTU, got the drivers, updated, got it. So now Im to believe the FIREWIRE on the iMAC doesn't work or I keep getting bad cables. I might as well sell the damn thing (the iMAC)

I just don't get it, I give up
Did you update the FW drivers. I have also Yosemite and anything works perfect. I had to update FW Drivers (latest Version) and FWMKII Firmware (v1.70).
Latest IF/FW firmware is 1.10.
Latest IF/FW drivers is beta 1.30 F10 for Mac.
Latest DM3200/4800 firmware is 1.72b4
Ok, just downloaded DM3200 firmware 1.72b4 from the Tascam site.

Latest IF/FW drivers firmware in my DM says 1.10/88685 ---correct
Latest IF/FW drivers firmware in my TMCompanion says 1.30 for MAC ----correct

after installing the newest one, I click WINDOW in TMCompanion software, choose update firmware, choose the 1.72, the board says updating firmware, the mixer lights up, I wait till its done, then.......I shut everything down,

wait 2-3 minutes, turn computer on first, then Tascam and................. nope: Card: OK & 1394: No cable
Does any other FireWire device work on that computer? Until you can answer that, you're shooting in the dark. Is this the only computer you can test the IF/FW connectivity??
I went back to my MAC PRO , with the old 400 firewire cable plugged in , placed all the other components in and VWALA, mac pro with 10.8.5 with LOGIC X, PRO TOOL 10, MPC elements all work fine, old tracks come right up, the mixer's MMC works, PLAY, STOP, REW, etc…..

Even when I check in System Report and FIREWIRE status, guess what I see
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So its beyond me, how I can acquire a iMAC 27' with 8 gigs ram, plug in 4 USB components, 1 hub, get everything running ( LOGIC X, PRO TOOL 10, MPC) in SIERRA 10.12 they opened fine, but only saw the iMAcs i/o, installed every UPDATE tascam has for the firewire card & the DM3200 it's self (mind you even with the upgrade on the board V1.7 it still works fine on my MAC PRO) as the saying goes, if aint broke……….

I was just trying, I got it for a good price cause the screen doesn't work but the innards do, so I attached it to my 40" and it came on, no problem, guess I gotta sell it now. Does me NO good, must taking out my SSD with everything on it, till I can get a system that has a 400 firewire port, but that takes SIERRA on SSD.
CMAFFIA -- I had nothing else in my repertoire that utilized the firewire 800 port, NOTHING, so……. I was at its will, I purchased two items to convert from 400 to 800, and in check the system report in the iMac, it kept saying "yadda yadda yadda 800" nothing else, said nothing was connected, but……… on the usb side, I saw all the components I had connected show up !!!!!!!!!!!! weird riiiiiiiight
ManoucheTunes -- the flipside to all of that is, I started out in Yosemite, trying all those methods, and still nothing, at the last minute, I thought "OK" maybe update to Sierra, and still nothing, so both OS did not work for me. It's got my brain in a knot trying to figure this out.
Sometimes I find out that I have to start first the Mac and then power up the Tascam. Even I had to shut down the DM when I had updates with reboot of my Mac because FW came not on when DM was on and Mac was rebooted.
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Reactions: Peter Batah
Can you use the firewire port of both Macs to successfully network them? That would serve as a test of the iMac's firewire port.

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