Cubase 8 and all is well


Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Queens, New York
Gear owned
2 x DM3200, DA-3000
No issues to report and a fantastic upgrade. Cubase 8 is what Cubase 7/7.5 should have been all along. Very stable and now back on track with great features.
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Hey that's great to hear. Though I have no issues with 7.5 and the improved mixer is of no real use to me since I use the DM, I think I'll upgrade after my current project is finished.

BTW, do you notice the alleged performance improvement (ASIO)?
Actually the MTC issue that was introduced in 7.5.30 also exists in Cubase 8 where the audio glitches when sending MTC to the DM3200 (or any other external device). That bug is supposed to be fixed in the pending 7.5.40 release....I am assuming Cubase 8 was based on 7.5.30 and that a fix for both will be released simultaneously.
I spent the afternoon watching Cubase 8 feature videos on YouTube and it looks like I'm about part with $99 for the upgrade fee. Bounce-in-place is a great feature that I've long wished for, as I frequently will bounce individual tracks and import them back into the project in order to free up more CPU headroom. I haven't played much with amp modeling in the DAW (I'm an old school recordist, slowly catching up with the times), but Steinberg sure does a good job of making me feel like I need those new plugins too!
Still testing and I might retract my account of the MTC. Appears a reboot fixed that. I have to say this is the best cubase version so far.
Can you control the channel strip in cubase 7 & 8, with the Dm in steinberg remote mode, like the Eq, Compressor, and all the funcion in the new channel strip
I've wanted this for a long time! I don't think it's possible though- someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that [aside from the faders and rotary encoders] the only buttons on the DM that can send control information to the DAW are the Function buttons (F1-F12) in the automation section. You can control the channel strip EQ with the rotary encoders by switching its function, the layout isn't particularly intuitive though and I still use the mouse myself.

cmaffia- have you encountered a quirk with Cubase 8 where the DM faders control your red Cubase input faders instead of Channels 1-16 (or 24) of your audio channels? A friend of mine just upgraded to 8 (from Cubase 4!) and is struggling with this. I tried to help him over the phone but it sounds like there's some new Mixer configuration in 8 that isn't present in 7.5... any insight?
Using the DM's remote mode with Cubase, I can control eq, pan, solo, enable record, mute from my DM3200.

Can you do this with the Fat Channel controls though, or are you limited to using the faders and encoders?
DM3200 doesn't have a fat channel so I can't say if it is supported in the Remote Layer with Cubase.

Problem with cubase pro 8 with THE DM 3200.
In remote layer the inputs channels are on the DM 3200 and there is a second master fader.
You can make it invisible on the mixer in cubase but the inputs channels stay on the DM 3200.
Anyone who have the same problem??
Please help!!
Yes. that's the result of the "few Mackie bugs" I stated in my 4th post.
Here's the link again:
I've been using Cubase 8 with the DM3200 and I've learned to ignore it. I've been contacted by a Dev Team Rep who assured me it is one of their top priorities to fix and will be included in the first maintenance release.
When you've allready have made a template, there is no problem.
When you make a new template, the problems starts.
That is what I read earlyer.
Hope this bug will be solved soon.
It's a known bug. Steinberg is fixing it....
Hey Cmaffia, I just bought Cubase 8 and I have been having the CPU spike problem that you complained of when you upgraded from version 7.5.30 from 7.5.20. I assume that...oddly it was not fixed in Cubase 8. Anyway, I totally disabled any MIDI Timecode transmissions and so far, no issues. Nice stable performance in looping mode. (So far, looping the project 4 times, no choking). Just using the DM3200 as an audio interface for my test.

So I started looking into deleting my preferences by entering safe mode within Cubase. However, I could not successfully get into Cubase Safe Mode when the splash screen starts. Instead, I get the Windows "shut down/end task, etc." mode. Is there a workaround to getting into Cubase Safe Mode?

Additionally, is this a Windows-only problem or does it happen on the Mac as well? I just bought a Macbook Pro for video editing but was planning of installing Cubase on the Mac as well.

Finally, is a workaround for this to use the MIDI port on the Firewire Card for MTC instead of the USB?
FYI: Cubase 8.0.10 is now at the RC stage and is expected to be released early Feb.
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I do not experience the 7.5.30 spike in Cubase 8 if I disable the MIDI feed to the PC. Go to the MIDI setup on the DM3200 and disable the send from the DM and see for yourself. The Mackie issues with 8.0 are really not affecting my workflow so I am happily enjoying Cubase 8 and its ASIO Guard 2 benefits.
FYI: Cubase 7.5.4 & Nuendo 6.5.4 are now also at the RC stage expected to be released as soon as end of the month.
Hopefully that will solve the issue.

I do not experience the 7.5.30 spike in Cubase 8 if I disable the MIDI feed to the PC. Go to the MIDI setup on the DM3200 and disable the send from the DM and see for yourself. The Mackie issues with 8.0 are really not affecting my workflow so I am happily enjoying Cubase 8 and its ASIO Guard 2 benefits.

Yes, when MTC is disabled, no issues except for the lack of the TC display on my meter bridge. However, I installed Cubase 8 on my new Macbook and Cubase runs like a real charm. Yet to put it through all the paces but as far as playback/transport, etc. REAL SMOOTH.

BTW, Cubase 8 SOUNDS different. Overall a rounder and flattering sound. Has anyone noticed this too?
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You're hearing things ASIO guard 2 does not change the sound quality. Sounds great over hear!
A few others claimed this as well on the but others verified that cubase 8 nulls with previous versions.....
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