DM4800 or IF-FWmark II crashing Windows 10 PC


Jul 16, 2019
Gear owned
DM4800, DA88 x2 ,
My DM4800 has worked superbly well alongside a Win 10 PC until recently. Now if I change input or output audio channels channels in my DAW I get a ''blue screen of death'. Sometimes even loading a stand alone Kontact program that is enough to cause a crash. I have exhausted all the PC solutions and everything points to the Firewire card or Tascam desk. The PC just does not like to have a 'conversation' with the hardware anymore about 'connections' and suggests new drivers updates etc...Of course this is no longer possible.

Has anyone out there in the Tascam ether had a similar problem and can offer a fix. Perhaps a Windows update that might have screwed things up. Like I said it worked perfectly before.
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I know you said u exhausted the PC solutions, but if going back to a restore point, etc. isn’t possible, can you try a new, perhaps older PC and/or version of Windows 10, and dedicate that machine to being for the mixer, perhaps not even on the net?

I believe there are ways to reduce the updates that affect hardware, but as a Mac user, I cant say much about how to do that properly on Windows but it may be a way to keep your system stable and working well with the Tascam board moving forward without fear of destructive updates.

Good luck!
I agree with @Peter Batah, there is no reason to suspect Windows 10 itself. I'm always on the last update with the OS (the hardware prevents me from going to W11 anyway) and never saw any problem like this one. No need to 'freeze' the system to a working older version - as with Mac, I might add.

To the OP: more info is needed. What version are you using for the IF/FW driver? Is your Windows firewire on 'Legacy'? The last one actually may be an issue, where Windows changes back to the 'latest' IEEE 1394 driver. Take a look at this topic - even though it's old, the first post should still reflect what is needed on a W10 system: DM 3200/4800 - Windows 10 Compatibility - My Final Results
Odds of the problem being Windows 10 are pretty remote. Of course there are a lot of things in-between that can cause issues like you describe, and it might help to have a more detailed description of your setup. As for Windows 10 with all the latest updates, using it with my DM4800 and the IFFWDMII and Nuendo and Cubase 12 without issue, so it works, and very well at that. You don't mention which DAW you are using, but I would try reinstalling it. No need to uninstall, just simply reinstall it which will usually repair any missing/corrupted components. It's a quick and harmless part of the troubleshooting equation, and may keep you from chasing your tail, as it were, and at the very least eliminate one possible and very likely issue.
Now, I suggested the above reinstallation process for your DAW because in the description of your issue, I get the sense that everything works as long as you don't try to switch inputs in your DAW, which changes nothing with your DM4800. The inputs and the outputs on your IFFWDMII are static on the console, any choices made within your DAW do not affect it at all, hence my surmising that it is a DAW issue. Again, a little more knowledge about your setup would also be helpful.

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