Hello, so I have a WAV file that I created in Audacity, and for some reason I cannot get it to import into my Tascam DP-008EX Pocketstudio multi-track recorder. This has worked fine before, where I have an Audacity project that I export to a WAV file, and then put that on my SD card, and then pop into the DP-008EX, and then import the tracks onto a new song. But for some reason with this new project it just is not working! I had an iPhone "Voice Memos" recording that was an ".m4a" file, that I then converted to a WAV file on freeconvert.com, and then brought that into Audacity, and exported that project as a WAV file. I then placed that WAV file on my SD card, and popped that into my DP-008EX, but when I went to "IMPORT/EXPORT" and then "IMPORT TRACK" the WAV file was not there! I just saw my other WAV files for which this process did actually work. I can't figure out what it is about this specific WAV file that is just not being accepted by my DP-008EX. Does anyone here have any ideas for what might be going wrong here and how I might fix this so that I can get my WAV file imported into a new song on my DP-008EX? Thank you!